I don't know why I am crazy and do this every year but, this is my 4th in a row of getting up the day after Thanksgiving and fighting with hundreds of other people for a good deal. Kim, Shanon & I braved the crowds this year together and woke up at 4 a.m. (craig is smart & stayed home with Mckay) We had everything planned out the night before of exactly what we were going to buy and in what order to hit each store. It was a lot of fun. This was Shanon's first year and she was really surprized that people RUN in the store and push each other. She got into after the first store :) I was kind of not very good at the running and pushing through this year since I am a HUGE prego woman. But, Kim & Shanon helped me and we got some great deals this year and I am almost done with all my shopping. We started at 4 a.m and ended at 3 p.m. I was SOOOO tired!
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