Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Well we are finally out of our old house and into our new one! WAHOO! Well, at least all the boxes are moved in. Everything is a DISASTER and I can't find a thing but, still I am really excited. Mckay is excited too, except when it gets time to go to bed he says he wants to go home. It is hard to explain to him that this is our home now. We need to hurry and get our yard and fence put in so that he has a place to play. There is a new Ikea that opened here in Utah...I love Ikea. So, we were able to go and get some new furniture for the first time. I'll take some picture of our house so you can all see. I've got lots of work to do before it is put together.

2 Say What's:

Amy said...

How is the move going? Is your house under control yet? I still have boxes shoved into closets (and the guest room) that have yet to be unpacked. I guess that means they don't need to be unpacked and really just need to be stored. Good luck!

Chelsea said...

hi kelley, you don't know me but your husband signed me up for dish & I just moved in down the street from you! He told me you sell sentsy and do photography...two things I already love!!! Your blog is darling and I do need to get some more sentsy blocks from you- He gave me your number so I will have to give you a call! Chelsea.

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