Mckay turned 3 on Sunday. I asked him what kind of party he wanted and he said, a Pirate party. He loves "Peter Pan" and "Treasure Planet" so, he got his pirate party. We did it at a park and my family and Craig's family came. We had dinner, cake and LOTS of fun. Thanks everyone for the presents and for coming and sharing this special day with Mckay!
This cake took me about 2 hours to make. The hard thing about it was getting the right mix of colors I wanted. His "Blues Clues" cake like this was a lot easier. But, it is fun and I like doing it. :)
He loved his cake and got to blow out the candles 3 times!

This marble maze is one of the presents he LOVES! He got some cute clothes, bubble blower gun,
nerf gun, Little people Pirate ship, chutes & ladders...and a SWING SET for the back yard. Our yard will finally be finished on Thursday. WAHOO!
AARRRGGH! Notice the grape juice
mustache and chocolate
Double sworded duel with S
I know there's a present in there somewhere!

He said, "Mom I am gonna
whack that to pieces and get lots of candy!" Of course he needed a little help from his big s
trong uncle Joe, after he, and all the little kids tried with no luck.
Mckay had fun pretending to be a pirate and sword fought with anyone he came in contact with. Good thing they were just plastic and not very sharp :)
Mckay's 1st mate...
1 Say What's:
You're pirate cake is awesome! Did you make it up or use a pan??
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