Our little Mckay is getting so BIG! I can't believe all the big boy stuff he does now. He is potty trained, dresses himself, insists on brushing his own teeth and washing himself in the tub. Plus, he says that funniest adult things. Today he told me, "I just don't want to mommy...ok." He has such an opinion about everything too. I don't want my little boy to grow up anymore :)
FINALLY potty-trained! Wahoo! It has been a long hard battle with him to be potty trained. With all the moving and vacation it never was a good time. But, one day he just started doing it and now is a big boy peeing & pooping in the toilet pro! This is his favorite pair of underwear...he always says, "I'm on FIRE!"
Mckay picked out these clothes and was so proud of getting himself dressed that I didn't have the heart to tell him that he had put EVERYTHING on backwards or inside out. His pants are on backwards & his shirt inside out and the collar is tucked in. Plus, I don't know where he got that hat. I tried SO hard not to laugh at him.
Any of you who know Mckay, know that he LOVES to be practically naked every chance he gets! He will just take off his clothes randomly throughout the day. We will defiantly have to fix that by the time he goes to school :) This is him running though our sprinklers....in true Mckay style....half naked.

2 Say What's:
Go McKay! Whoo-hoo!
Oh man, what a babe! I feel like i've been missing out on lots of family stuff but that pic of McKay with his awesome outfit makes me feel like i'm right there in the action. Thanks!
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