Can I just say that I had such a FUN weekend and I LOVE what I do. I love being a photographer! I got to meet THE CUTEST couple and take their pictures. It was also great because the shoot was in Logan and I got to have Stacie be my assistant for the day. Which, she is so great at :) We went out to dinner and shopping afterwards, and get lots of great ideas from Stac for my business. You are so smart and have such good ideas. THANKS for everything...I had a lot of fun. If anyone wants to see more pictures they are on my Photography blog. I think they turned out really cute.

On a completely different and totally RANDOM note. Can I just say that I am SO GLAD "The Office" is back on TV. I love that show...I need that show. It makes me laugh so hard! It is just nice for Craig and I to be able to sit and watch a show together that we both like and can laugh our heads off.
2 Say What's:
I am so happy 'The Office' is back too! Its so awkward - it's great. "Oscar Meyer Weiner...lover" oh how I love it!
Kel,I had SUCH a good time chilling on Saturday. I am so excited with the way the shoot went. I am so excited for your business too. You are gonna blow 'em out of the water. Just keep it up!
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