It has been a little while since I have posted, mostly because there hasn't been too much going on. Right now it is 3 a.m. and I CAN'T sleep cause Craig is in our room snoring, he usually doesn't snore, but tonight I've woken him up twice and he will roll over and snore some more. I am gonna be tired tomorrow :)

Anyways, Since the Olympics have been on I have been watching them non-stop after the kids go to bed. That is the beauty of a DVR I can watch whatever events I want and fast forward the rest. I am so into watching indoor and Outdoor volleyball, the US teams only usually. I am in love with Walsh/May and Michael Phelps right now :) They are just amazing! I sit there and jump and scream at my TV. For those of you who know me well, know I LOVE sports and I especially love volleyball...I also watch Basketball & gymnastics too.

Michael Phelps is a freaking Machine...He hasn't lost once and has broken a record every time he has swam!

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Also, in the past week we have been to a couple fairs, the Morgan Fair, Weber County, & Davis County Fair. The kids LOVE them and they are cheap! I only have taken a couple pictures though because I forgot my camera at some of them :) But here are some pictures...

This is Mckay's first time not being scared of the horses...his first time riding alone. Ky on the other hand was not scared AT ALL. She was smiling the entire time and didn't want to get off.

They had a huge sand pit there that the kids loved playing in. It is funny how kids can sit and be entertained by sand forever! He was so proud of his volcano, which later got destroyed.

They had a petting zoo there and of course Ky wasn't scared. She kept patting the goat on the head. Kailey almost got kicked in the face by a huge was really scary and we are glad she has angels watching over her :)

We went to this fair with my sister and her kids. Mckay LOVES his cousins and it is always so much fun when they get to be together!

Mckay and his cotton Candy (look at his dirt tears from when his volcano got destroyed in the sand box). Ky loved her cotton candy too...she was covered in pink by the end and was eating it like she had never eaten a day in her life.

They had these cool wiggle cars a a booth, so of course "The kids" had to try them out :)
7 Say What's:
Oh my gosh! Kelley! You have a family, and you're beautiful! I'm so glad you left a post on my blog! It has been such a long time! Your photography looks amazing too! It's so good to hear from you! Please keep in touch! I'd love to get together with everyone sometime. It's been a while since I've seen Mallory and Becca too. You look so happy, I'm glad things are going good for you.
So I love your pictures, as always..and I really think we need to get together again sometime because Anna and Ky are so much alike and I am thinking they would actually be inetersted in playing together more now ;) And we are loving the Olympics too. Except I think we live in another decade cause we are the only people who don't have a DVR, so this whole thing is really putting a damper on my sleeping schedule. I stayed up way too late last night watching women's all around gymnastics. Go USA!
You're so nice to leave out the fact that it was my kids that destroyed McKay's volcano in the sand... resulting in the described sand tears and cute dirty face! We had a lot of fun, up to the moment my DD about got kicked in the face, but besides that and the heat and hunger...LOL! Thanks...I need pics by the way - camping and fair now. Oh, and I tried those Oreo truffles from the recipe swap - yummy!!!!
I too have been completely addicted to the olympics, however I do not have DVR so I stay up until Midnight watching them and then get up at 5:30 am for work. IT's been killing me but I just can't help but watch them. I agree Volleyball is so much fun to watch, just because I grew up playing it it's my favorite but there have been so many other ones that I've loved. Glad to know I"m not the only one jumping up and down at the tv.
I love the picture of Ky riding the horse with the binky in her mouth. That's how Livvy was - happy as a clam and always with a bink in her mouth or hanging from a clip on her shirt. The fairs look so fun! It makes me want to get up the courage to try one again - our last experience... not so good. Anyway - glad to see you guys are doing well. Make sure and keep me posted on what you guys decide to do with moving/school.
i love the olympics..and have been devoloping a slight crush on michael phelps the more medals he wins...he is unreal!! i was so bummed i forgot about the county looks like you guys had a great time. your kids are so blasted cute
I knew you would be an Alice - I am an Esme...go figure! May and Walsh rock! I am loving watching them at the bad we weren't born 6 feet tall or had a vertical like May's ... we would be awesome! Though I really love indoor more....
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