Well, I went into the Dr. for the 4th time so far to get my IUD out. Each time, we go in thinking we are going to be able to take it out and then can't. I had an ultra sound done last time and the Dr. thought he saw it, so he scheduled and apt. for me today to get the surgery done in his office with local anesthetic. Which, I can now say was the most painful thing I have ever gone through. I had to get 2 different shots....one in my back and one down there. Plus, take some Valium. Well the shot down there made my head almost explode and I kinda went in and out of consciousness. I guess it is some kind of adrenaline and made all this blood rush to my head too quick. But, anyways to make a long story short, after dilating my cervix and all that pain......it wasn't there AGAIN where he thought it was. So, I went and got some x-rays taken and it actually IS NOT in my uterus anymore. It is sitting right on top of my bladder. I have no idea how, but my IUD got out and punched a little hole through my uterus. Now, I have an apt. scheduled for the 28th to go to the hospital and get surgery to get it taken out, and this time they put me under...THANK GOODNESS. Cause I would have 10 babies in a row before ever doing that again. This time they will go in through my stomach and make 3 small incisions, and hopefully be able to get it out. :) 5th time is a charm right!? I feel like I have been run over by a train right now, but hopefully I will be feeling better in the next few days. :)
I just wanted to say how appreciative I am to everyone for your help and concern. You all are so wonderful. I don't know if you read my blog or not Emily, but THANKS so much for dinner tonight from OGM. You are the sweetest, and it really meant so much to me that you did that for us. Thanks Alison and Amanda for bringing me food a while back and to my mom for being there for me since Craig can't handle all this blood and needles thing :) I can't say thank you enough to you all.
18 Say What's:
Holy cow that is crazy how such a little thing can cause so much distress. Bummer for you, and I do hope fifth time is a charm!
I thought your procedure was tomorrow. Sorry I was going to wish you luck. Let me know if I can help on the 28th.
I am so sorry this has been such a mess for you! Please let me keep your kids for a couple of hours so you can get some rest, or if you have another appt. Call me and let me know how I can help. Good luck!
i am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. that doesn't sound fun at all. good luck.
OH man I am so sorry!!! I also would love to take your kids anytime! what a mess... hopefully this will all be over with soon!
No fair!!! That totally sucks for you. Hope everything goes well. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
Love you Kel!
friggin eh thats insane!!! im so sorry that you have to go in for surgery...crazy that it moved to your bladder! so weird. thank goodness for pain meds and good (but painful) shots! im a wuss when it comes to pain!
i hope youre feeling better! i can always send you some kinder eggs to help! chocolate always makes me feel better.
What a horrible experience! I hope everything goes well, and they can finally get that thing out of you! I've been thinking about you. Are you still on for Monday?
Oh my word-how horrible. Pete and I don't really want anymore kids and I had contemplated getting one-but I guess you answered that question for me-there is no way in he** I would get one after your story. Especially not to mention that you have to pay money to go through all that pain-I would much rather spend my money on something else! I hope you get better.
You are so cute! I love looking at your blog. I feel so bad that this has been such a painful process for you. I hope they can figure it out this time and get you feeling better.
I made a comment earlier and now it is gone...weird...lost somewhere in cyber space I suppose. Anywho, I am sorry for that all you have gone through. It sounds absolutely horrible. How you have managed to make tutus and blankets is beyond me - you are amazing. I hope that the 5th surgery is your last...for a long LONG time! Love ya!
OH MY GOSH! I don't know how I missed this news about your lost IUD but I am so sorry! That totally sucks. I know first hand how lovely it is to have shots 'down there' and I think they are completely of the devil! Again, I am soooo sorry for you and hope that this is the last post I read about not getting it out! Good Luck, you're in my prayers.
oh my heavens that makes me hurt just to think about. i hope everything goes ok. that is so crazy that it somehow made it's way out. ah and having a shot down there....i think you should get an epidural for that! let me know if there is anything i can do, for real, i'm not that far away
That sucks so bad! I hope after this surgery you will be done with all of the pain and misery. Hope you get feeling better soon!
oh, that's not my house, its my brother's. But thanks!
I'm so sorry you have to go through all that. Did you ever have pain or anything, or did you just go in to get it out and they could not find it? That is very scary and sounds like very very painful. Let me know if you need anything.
I am so sorry for all you have gone through. Let me know if I can help, taking your kids, bring dinner, whatever you need we are there to help you. Good luck.
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