It is a tradition every year for us to throw a Halloween party. I LOVE parties and I LOVE Halloween. I didn't get to go all out this year cause I have been so sick and busy lately but, it was still a lot of fun. We did it the day before Halloween and the Howe's came over to celebrate with us. The kids watched "Icabod & the Headless Horseman" and they were all dressed up in their costumes (Mckay has been wearing his NON-STOP anyways). After we put them bed, all the adults watched "Cloverfield" which was dumb, but oh well. Next year Craig doesn't get to pick the movie :) We had a lot of fun and got STUFFED! Thanks Howe's for coming.

- 20 whole cloves
- 5 lady apples
- 1 gallon apple cider
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- Zest of 1 orange, removed in large strips with a vegetable peeler
- Press 4 cloves into each lady apple. Place cider, cinnamon, orange zest, and studded lady apples in a large pot, and warm over medium-low heat. Let steep for 1 1/2 hours, without boiling, until aromatic and flavorful.

Every year we go to the same pumpkin patch...Lyle Dabbs in Ogden. They have lots of pumpkins and they are such a good price, plus the kids LOVE going there. Here are a couple pictures from the trip. We didn't get a chance to carve them till Halloween though.
Every year we go to the same pumpkin patch...Lyle Dabbs in Ogden. They have lots of pumpkins and they are such a good price, plus the kids LOVE going there. Here are a couple pictures from the trip. We didn't get a chance to carve them till Halloween though.

I don't have any pictures from actual Halloween, but the kids had a lot of fun. We visited all the grandparents (except my parents who live so far away) and then took them Trick-or-treating. Ky had a melt down at every doorstep cause she wanted to eat her candy. But, as soon as we got her to put it in her bag, she would grab the bag from us and say "MINE" but it calmed her down to be able to carry her bag that she knew was full of candy. Mckay got tired and wanted to go home after about 20 minutes...but it was still fun. Halloween is so great with kiddos :)

9 Say What's:
Your kids are beautiful. I always remember Craig having bad taste in movies. Remember, I think it was Van Helsing? lol I don't even think I spelled it right.
Kelley, you have some adorable kids!!!
I loved your halloween party stuff. The cupcakes are cute, and what a neat idea with the pipe-cleaners, or whatever you call them. I'll have to try and make the cider recipe. I love apple cider!
Thanks for sharing your pics!
Oh, and I love your new hair... I'm a fan of dark hair, but my husband isn't!
What a fun Halloween weekend! I love your cup cakes! I don't know what you are talking about - they are way cute! I think it is hilarious that your kids smiled at Craig hitting your head with a pumpkin instead of being worried or scared. Gotta love kids, right?
you cucpakes look delish! mmm. i love dabbs, i had never been there until i got married, and the prices are SO much cheaper than the grocery store for pumpkins. the pics turned out so cute, you are so talented
This is you not going all out? Mark and I threw a Halloween Party last year and I thought I went all out, but I did about the same as what you did for your party! Oh well, some of us aren't as multi-talented as others! Cute pics too. I love that you document everything.
You are good, throwing a halloween party every year. Sounds like lots of fun, I might have to start that I love parties. Your kids are way cute, I love how your little boy likes to pick out the green pumpkins to carve.
Wow! Kelley you sure know how to throw a party! It looks so awesome. Your kids look adorable at the pumpkin patch too!
Darling pictures, Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
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