New Couch & Dress up...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

So, we have been selling things like CRAZY on KSL and to family & friends because a lot of our stuff is not going to fit in our new little condo. The kids beds (they are going to be sharing a room we need bunk beds) my elliptical, and worst of all our couch.... I LOVED! It was a nice comfy sectional and only a year old, SERIOUSLY the the best couch everrrrr. I could go on and on :) hehe. But it won't fit in the new house either. So, my sister bought it and this is our "new couch"....a pile of blankets. But, we will be getting new ones once we get to logan :)

Look at all that stuff that used to be thrown behind the couch....
Moving day is coming on Tuesday and we are SO NOT READY! Look at what a big helper Craig is with packing. haha.

Kylin loves to dress up, So i got her some clothes from Ebay and sha had so much fun with them. I was supposed to give them to her for Christmas but I just coudn't wait :) Look at her nice pose with the belly sticking out.

This is her "smiling"

She isn't quite ready for Top Model yet. Her runway walk is HORRIBLE!

and dress up of course always leads to dancing, we love dancing and music in this house...even though we are not very good at it :)

11 Say What's:

Amy said...

I'm a little confused...are you getting a new couch? Or are you just planning on using blankets and pillows to save on room? By the way, I love the dress-ups.

The Razzle Dazzle Family said...

Your little girl looks so cute all dressed up. My little girl LOVES to dress up, sing and dance also.

Megan said...

At least you have been able to sell most of your stuff. Good luck with the rest of the packing! I look forward to your next post about your new place. I am surw with your mad skills you will spruce it up and make it just like home in no time!

Chelsie said...

ah i can't believe you're moving so soon! it seems like just the other day you were posting that you were moving, and now it all is real. crazy! i love the dress up is adorable. and from the looks of the dancing pic, they will have a blast sharing a room together

Dana said...

i love the new "set up" ;) really, that has got to be a bit hard, but i wish you the best in logan!!! p.s. your kiddos are SO CUTE :P (but you already knew that..) :) good luck kelley! i hope we can still keep in touch over this!!! :)))

Kim said...

Ky cracks me up! And yeah - - I LOVE my new couch! he he! It looks great and now it has sentimental value too...:) I do love it! Thanks! And anytime you miss it you can come visit me! I wish you weren't moving soooo far! Withdrawls! Sniff sniff! Love ya...thanks for coming tonight even when you are super duper busy!!!

Adventures in Petersonland said...

im sorry you had to sell your couch! we have to sell some of our favorite things too when we move back to the states and its making me sad just thinking about it.
and, you mean to tell me that youre NOT suppose to stick out your belly when youre posing for the camera?! dang it...ive been doing it wrong all these years! cute little ky, she is gorgeous!
and you'll love logan. steve is from hyde park and we lived in benson (pig/cow farming town that smells like armpits) the first 3 years we were married. we will have to come and visit you and get some pictures taken(as your work is amazing) this summer. his brother is getting married in june so we'll be in the area.
good luck on your move! i hate moving as i get soooo stressed out! hopefully youre a little more easy going than i am when it comes to that...

Jaime said...

I love the dancing pics. Too cute! It was good to see you too the other week!

Landon and Brittney Wimmer said...

Yeah! You're in Logan! I know you were sad to leave, but were happy to have you here. I wish I would have been on top of it, we totally would have come and help you guys move in. You'll have to let me know where you're at. We just made an offer on a home in Providence so we might be moving this weekend. If everything goes as planned. We'll have to get together when things settle down. Maybe after the holidays. If you ever need anything let me know. I'd be happy to watch your kids or something sometime. My cell number is 801.645.6163 and feel free to call me. If your hubby needs help moving big things or anything at all let me know.

{irene} said...

Oh girl!!!..I love that couch! stylish:)

Kristin Bishop said...

Your Kylin is hilarous...and totally adorable. I would be crying to get rid of all my stuff...but I ALSO like to get new I figure you'll be all better when you get to Logan and get to start fresh decorating. I'm definitely jealous. Good luck with the move and the new start.

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