So, I was taking a nice relaxing bath today after Craig got home from school, reading my Parenting Magazine and all the sudden I feel a pinch on my arm and it hurts. I JUMP up and a BIG ugly spider falls off my arm into the bathtub! I am FREAKING OUT...screaming and calling for Craig to get in here. So, instead of just scooping it out and smashing it...I make a point of slowly watching the thing suffer and drown, standing at the other side of the tub, butt-naked, hoping that is it not a rare "swimming" kind of spider. The whole time yelling for Craig to get in here. So, FINALLY he comes in (you would think if your wife was screaming you would book it in there or something....maybe it is an all too frequent occurance) scoops the thing out of the tub and flushes him down the toilet, gives me a kiss and walks out like nothing happend!
I know, I know you all are thinkiung I am a HUGE baby. Well, it's true I am, But I have a history with spiders. When I was like 10-years old, I got bite by a Brown recluse or Black Widow on the back of my leg. Well, it's poison ate through my skin all the way to my bone! And, since we lived in Turkey at the time (hospitals there are HORRIBLE) my dad didn't want to take me into the doctor, so he got a knife, a belt for me to bite on, and my mom held me while he cut out the infection. I still have a big white circular scar on the back of my leg to this day to remind me how much I HATE those ugly creepy suckers!
So- that explains a little why my little visitor today made me freak! I must have some weird signal that my body puts off that says, "BITE ME...PLEASE!" I know it's a random thing to blog about, but life is RANDOM right? hehe.

12 Say What's:
I too hate spiders so I can understand why you hate them. Not to mention the trauma from when you were a kid. But seriously, hubby' need to learn to run faster and be more compassionate sometimes!
um, kelley? thanks for making me think about how itchy i am right about now...i can't help but think they are all over me now!! :P ahhhhh! that is so scary about your bite! i'd be scared too! crap, who am i kidding!?? i'm scared WITHOUT that experience! good luck getting rid of them! p.s. i had to laugh about you screaming and waiting for the spider to die and craig's nonchalant way of taking care of it for you :P haha it made me smile :) )
Oh girl, I think you were braver then I would have been. I would have been crying like a little school girl if I saw the thing on the floor next to the tub, so had the thing actually been on me and bitten me.....who knows what I would have done. I hate spiders. Why do they have to be so creepy and frightening? 8 legs- really God? Why? If I were you I would be having the pest control man over once a week- that I or I would no longer take baths.....and maybe even showers. Good luck
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I think it is funny that you change your header as much as me! :0) For a while there I was beginning to think I was the only who changed it like once a week...or once every couple days....
I would have freaked out to Kelley if I had an experience like you did with spiders. I love how Craig just walks in all calm flushes it down the toilet and then gives you a kiss and walks out. Also, I love your little family band bellow. . how cute are they. I especially love your little girl in her pink boots and a diaper!!
I am in the same boat as you, I HATE spiders. I am so sorry about your visitor. I feel for you, sometimes those husband of ours are just to slow or it just seems like it since we are in total fear!! so sorry!!!
And you didn't take a picture of it??? What were you thinking! LOL! Yuck - I hate spiders too...especially in my clean laundry! Has your arm fallen off yet? I totally remember when Dad did that...too funny. Ah..the good ol' days!
I HATE HATE HATE spiders. Bleh. I itch and cringe just thinking about them. I can't imagine how I would react if I had the same experience when I was younger than you did. My dad would kill the spider and then chase me around like he was going to get me with it. That was mean and scary enough for me. Good thing Craig was there to save the day ;)
Oh girl!..I'm so sorry!..I hate spiders since I was little and one got into my mouth!!!!
right there with ya girl. i will admit i have freaked out to the point of tears. ben knows my 'come quick and kill this spider that it about to kill me' scream all too well.
Yikes I don't know what horrified me more, the spider story or your dad cutting into your leg. That is aweful. I miss you guys a ton. We should do lunch (at McDonalds so our kids can be maniacs) sometime.
AHHH! SICK! im so sorry. i too scream like a little girl whenever i see those nasty things. logan had the most spiders from my experience. we used to get nasty brown recluse ones all the time in our house when we lived there (benson). we had those sticky spider traps and they were always COVERED with them! i never was bare foot in my own house...
im assuming your dad was airforce too? were you guys stationed in incirlik turkey? thats one of the places i hope we never tramatic that your dad had to cut the infection out! you have every right to be paranoid of spiders!
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