Finally I have hit the 30-week mark! It has been a ruff 30-weeks, but every day that I can keep Piper in here is wonderful....not easy though. I have already been to the ER once at 2 a.m. to stop me from going into labor. They gave me a shot and I was able to go home with no baby. I have had 2 steriod shots in my butt to develop Piper's lungs, I am on antibiotics in case my water starts to leak and I don't know it (happened with Kylin & she had a bad lung infection) I take medicine everyday to try to help slow down the contractions that I have almost every hour or SEVERAL times an hour. Plus, I am anemic (I just take Iron pills) and on BED REST...which is pretty much impossible with 2-kids! Although, Craig has been a huge help this summer being home most of the day.
So it has been a super fun pregnancy :) I am 50% effaced (thinned out) and dialted to a 2. So, like I said every day I can keep this little girl in my belly is a blessing. I want so badly to have a healthy little girl and not have complications and be able to take her home. Kylin and Mckay were both in the NICU for 3-weeks after they were born at 32 and 34 weeks. If I can just make it the end of August I will be so happy- even though my due date isn't till Oct. 13th. My Dr. doesnt think I will last that much longer though, but we are sure hoping and praying! So that is the update on this little baby :)

14 Say What's:
oh girl!!..is there something I can do!!????...just be strong!...you are almost there!
ah! i'm so sorry. i hope your little girl stays in at least another month!! let me know if there is anything i can do! you look so cute prego
so sorry that your pregnancies are so hard on you. seriously CALL ME!!! my baby is so good sometimes i forget i have her and the girls would love someone to play with. i will come pick them up whenever you need me too- I'm not joking
You look SO cute pregnant. I hope that everything goes good for you and that little girl stays in as long as she can. Sorry that you have had such a rough pregnancy, your in my thoughts. Good luck!!
Usually people want others to send them labor inducing vibes! I will ssend some 'stay in there' vibes your way since I go late with my babies. LOL. You are such a strong girl. I hope everything goes well and you can take a healthy little Piper home from the hospital when you do. It stinks going home without a baby for sure!
I so know your pain! My DD was born at 34 weeks and DS was at 35 weeks. It's no fun! And I hate the shots they give to stop labor! Feels like youre on 6 cups of espresso!!
I hope sweet piper stays in at least till 36 weeks!!!
Thoughts and prayers heading to you and Craig! Good luck honey!
wow! crazy how all your babies want to come out early! keep her cooking! I know you are doing all you can, the rest is up to the man upstairs! hope all goes well. you look great and just darling! best of luck over the next month!
you look amazing. seriously. i'm so sorry it's been so rough! i'll be praying for you and piper too! hang in there!!!
Glad to hear that you are doing ok. Let us know if you need anything. Good luck and we will be more than happy to help in anyway.
i feel for you on the NICU thing... i hated that with Kade :( i REALLY wish the best for you! i hope that you (and Piper :P) can hold out! you are *absolutely *adorable pregnant Kelley!! :) :) :)
You're so cute! I just can't stand it. Hopefully you can keep her in there as long as possible. I'll keep my fingers crossed, you keep your legs crossed. Ha, ha! J/K!! :)
bummer kelley! im so sorry you are already having to go thru all of this so early! thank goodness there are good hospitals in cache valley just in case you go early. wish i lived closer as i would totally help you out.
BUT, you look FANTASTIC! super super cute pregnant!
You look so great Kelley. I hope you little one keeps baking as long as she can, so she can avoid the NICU. Good luck with everything.
Kelley!! I'm glad that you updated us on your pregnancy. I think about you all the time and wonder how everything is going. Hopefully, you can make it another month or so! I didn't realize that McKay was born at 32 weeks! That's crazy! Good Luck with everything!! We're almost done! Yeah! :)
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