I had an ultra sound today to check and make sure Piper has lots of fluids to swim in and be sure that I am not leaking. I was super excited to see her becuase I haven't had an ultra sounds since 18-weeks. I cried a little bit when I saw her sweet little face....SHE IS REAL!
Sometimes you just forget that it really really is this little person growing inside of you. Look at that cute little profile in the middle picture...I can't wait to meet her! Well, I take that back...I CAN wait another month or longer if possible. :) It is so crazy how much I already love this little girl! Makes all of this SO worth it. The Ultra-sound tech said that she has plenty of fluid, all her organs looks great, and she is growing well. She is almost 4 lbs now.

7 Say What's:
wow i can NOT believe ultra sounds these days. they are incredible. AMAZING!! she's absolutely beautiful.
yeah i'm glad the little bun in still in the oven and that everything is going well. she is gorgeous!
She is so cute! I am glad that she is still in there and cooking and that everything looks great!
I love the u/s pics- so cute. Glad all is well! Yay for winning my contest too :)
Ahhh! Crazy! They time is flying by! How fun are ultrasounds! They really should give you one at every appointment! Glad things are going well!
How sweet!
That is an amazing profile shot! Seeing those always reminds you that it's sooooo real, we will keep our fingers crossed she holds on another month!
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