I am not one to post pictures of myself....but I am pretty excited right now. I FINALLY FINALLY after two VERY long years and LOTS of money...GOT MY BRACES OFF!!! My teeth feel soooo slimy and I bit into a sandwich today and just licked my teeth right off without anything getting stuck in them :) I just need a few teeth capped and my gums cut a little and I will be done. I am SO happy! There were definitely times when I didn't think it would be worth it, but now I think it was. So here is the new more confident me, in front of my shower curtain hehe.

11 Say What's:
braces are soooooooo worth it! I was very lucky and only had them on for a year, but I had them my SENIOR YEAR in HIGH SCHOOL! sucked. I'll tell you this: WEAR YOUR RETAINERS! I am so mad at myself for not wearing mine, and now a couple teeth have moved (it's slight but I notice it and I HATE IT!) and I totally want invisiline now to fix them! Too poor - maybe later in life. Your pearly whites look great - congrats!
Kel, you are BEAUTIFUL!
Your teeth look great! And, I love your hair!
I said it before and I will say it again - You are gorgeous woman! I don't think you need any more work done - seriously. Oh and I love your shower curtain back drop - it really is super cute!
Lookin good! I know how you feel. I have been through it twice! The second time I got permanent retainers and they make it so much more nice. You don't have to worry about forgetting all the time.
Looks beautiful! So funny I had no idea you had them. Guess you had closed-mouthed smiles in all your other pics. That's funny your background is a shower curtain, it is cute! Congrats on the slimy wonderfulness of braces free teeth!
Wow, you look HOT :)
whoooo hoooo
Your teeth are looking good...and you are one pretty girl :)
I have to know where you got that CUTE shower curtin...please don't tell me you made it :)
you look beautiful!! What teeth need to have crowns? You have a beautiful smile.
you look awesome kelley!
i didn't even know you HAD braces!! way to hide it girl! you look amazing, as always.
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