I never get a minute of peace to myself anymore because the kids just WON'T take naps at the same time. So, I decided instead going for 3 days without bathing that I would take Pip with me. She lasted about 10 minutes before starting to get fussy....Oh well at least I don't stink anymore :)

7 Say What's:
Oh my gosh Kelley, you made me chuckle! I used to use that baby seat that you could belt them into :] Haha, mom's know the short cuts don't they?
Hope you enjoyed the bubble bath! It looks like Piper does :]
P.S. I just noticed your background and shower curtain are identical! lol
I used to shower with my son in the swing. (even tho ur not supposed to) between the rocking and the white noise he'd be asleep in the first 10 minutes (which gave me about 5 more until the hot water ran out)
whatever works for ya girl! such a cute view :)
I love it! Us mama's gotta do what we gotta do to have some time to shower (or tub :)
Shs is just darling Kelley!!
Hey! I have left you comment before about your blog layout...and I'm sure you are one busy woman. BUT...I am willing to beg, pay or anything for your advice. I am starting a preschool and REALLY need the header thingy you have...will all the blogs linked at the top. I need to link the preschool blog to their monthly calendar, field trips, etc. Please e-mail me real quick...and let me know if you'd be willing to help me...if you think it's something I'm even capable of (you know my computer skills) or how much you'd charge to tell me how to get started!
Thanks kelley. When I saw this...it was exactly what I needed, but didn't know how to accomplish!
You're awesome. and I'm still obsessed with the cuteness of your little girl.
What a cute girl - I just what to kiss her cheeks!
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