So, I have to laugh when people tell me that my kids and I are "so put together" and "How do you do it all". It makes me feel GREAT, but here's my secret....really I don't. I only wish. The reality of it is, if I have no where to go *which is most the time* me and the kids are a mess. The house is not always perfectly clean and sometimes *gasp* i am VERY LAZY. haha.
Example: Here is what pip looks like pretty much all the time...diaper, dirty onsie and making a HUGE mess of my house. She is a cute little mess though. hehe. THANKS for emailing me and always leaving me such fabulous compliments...each one always means a lot.
My CUTE naughty little kitten...

4 Say What's:
Hmmmm....I believe you that your kids make a mess, I believe you that you guys aren't always put together & that your house might not always be clean, because that is just life. But when you say that sometimes you are LAZY? I think your lazy and my lazy have got to be two entirely different things. I'm certain that your "lazy" day is probably my most productive! I still think your super woman, Kelly!! But I'm glad because you are always inspiring me. Thanks girl.
Well, good- I feel a little better :0) Can't wait to see the house projects!
I may feel a little better...but that will only last until your next post I am sure. The Pip is so stinkin cute!
Love the new header!
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