Enough hair FINALLY!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Ever since I found out I was having a girl, I was SOOO excited to dress her up! I have been waiting and waiting for her to have enough hair for pigtails. Well, they kind of look like little horns. But, hey I will take what I can get. She seems like she is such a big girl when her hair is all done. This is a momentous occasion. Haha. Just a taste of more to come :)

Daddy was playing peek-a-boo with her to make her laugh.

3 Say What's:

Laura said...

She is such a cutie...I can tell you have been anxious for this moment to come...well congrats:) I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

BensonFam said...

sooo cute - i love the first pigtails - we call them ladybug antennas at our house. i know what you mean about girl hair - it's so fabulously fun. (it feels a little strange with caleb, not having any bows to arrange.)

Megan said...

I completely understand. I have been wanting to do Annabelle's hair since before her birth and now her 1st birthday is rolling around and I still haven't got the chance :)

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