She scrunches her little nose when she laughs, it is the funniest thing.

Kylin's favorite thing to do is EAT! She will eat anything. Usually if Mckay doesn't want something he will give it to his sister, she will eat it, and then he will say, "I ate my dinner mommy." Well, she LOVED this ravioli! She practically licked her tray clean and then when it was all gone she decided she wanted to paint herself with it. She just thought she was the funniest thing in the world and kept laughing at herself. It took a lot of scrubbing to get that ravioli paint off her belly and left a nice orange rim around the tub.
ps. if you want to see the scrapbook page I did of this...it is in my Scrapbook blog (link is to the left)
1 Say What's:
Ah raviolis! I'm not sure if kids would rather eat them or wear them! :) She is just adorable!
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