So it's official, our house is for sale. We were going to try and sell it on our own but, we need to get it on the MLS with the market being so bad, we need all the exposure we can get. I am SO SAD but, it will be good for Craig to finish school. So if any one is looking for a house...the MLS #801729 it is 2100 Sq. Feet, 4-bedrooms, 2.5 bath, fully landscaped with a fence. You can see the rest on the listing if you are interested :) Here are some pictures of it that I am using for the listing. I am still missing pictures of the front of the house and the yard. Also, need to take a picture of the playroom (which is a huge disaster right now), the nook and the other bathroom & hallway. It is so hard having a spotless house with 2-kids. Sorry to everyone who has been calling and emailing me, I promise I will get back to you soon...things have just been CRAZY. I promise I am not ignoring you all...I still love you. Hehe

6 Say What's:
Your kiddos are so cute - that picture is adorbale and Ky's hair is getting so long and curly...I love it! I know the market is crappy, but I think your house should do well because you have decorated it so cute and it really shows it off. I love your house and if Ross didn't work so far away I would beg Ross to buy it. Especially for that price! We can't even buy a town home for that down here! I wish you guys the best of luck!
I love the signiture at the end. howde you do that!??? I am sooo gonna miss you and yes...I have been feeling that way too, bummed about not moving, but where your family is and as long as you are happy then a house is just a house, but when love fills it it is a home (I know corny but true!)
Love ya!
I love your house!!! It's gorgeous! I'll be sure to spread the word...i agree with Megan, you have it decorated SO cute!! That is the sweetest picture of your little kiddos!
I love your new layout. I love the feet picture and your color sceme. Good luck selling your house. Have ya had any lookers? It's an awsome house and you have it so cute you shouldn't have a problem selling. Did Craig give you the info I sent in a text on housing down south?
Hey nice signature, love the font! Good luck with with the house thing. It will all work out and it is so true...home is wherever your family is. By the way...St.George is pretty dang awesome:)
What a beautiful homey little home you've made! Big changes are always so hard, but things will be great and you really do have such a sweet family Kel. Good luck!!
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