Many of you probably don't know that Craig is planning on going back and finishing school. He just doesn't want to go to Weber or anywhere here in Northern Utah. So, we decided to check out Dixie State in St. George. We took a little road trip there Friday and stayed the night in a hotel. Kylin screamed the last hour getting there, and Mckay peed his pants instead of telling us he had to go potty soon enough. So, by the time we got there @ 8pm we were so ornery we just went to bed. But, the next morning we got up and went swimming in the hotel and went and checked everything out. The weather was gorgeous. Really hot...but I guess I will have to get used to that if we are going to live there. We went to the school and looked around even though everything was closed cause it was a Saturday and we went to look at housing. Housing was the depressing part for me. All family student housing was ghetto. So, we might have to find an apartment or someone who is renting out their home.
It is not for certain we are going to Dixie State but, we are for sure selling out home either way. We are moving somewhere, we just aren't sure where yet. It is going to be SOOO hard to sell our house here that I LOVE and move back into an apartment or something. I love the ward and neighborhood and I have put so much time into making this house a home. But, we want Craig to get done with school. And it isn't permanent right. So, if you know anyone who is looking for a home in Harrisville, have them call me cause it is officially for sale. :(
It is not for certain we are going to Dixie State but, we are for sure selling out home either way. We are moving somewhere, we just aren't sure where yet. It is going to be SOOO hard to sell our house here that I LOVE and move back into an apartment or something. I love the ward and neighborhood and I have put so much time into making this house a home. But, we want Craig to get done with school. And it isn't permanent right. So, if you know anyone who is looking for a home in Harrisville, have them call me cause it is officially for sale. :(
8 Say What's:
How fun! I know Megan loved it down there...and she actually got a tan...which for us impressive! How sad that you're moving though! What's the mls number for your house? We'll spread the word!
It's always so hard to leave a place you love. That's how we felt leaving AZ to come home to UT when Cameron graduated. Good luck with everything!
what??? I am in shock... that is exciting for Craig though- I feel sad:(
I looks like the front of the Art building from what I remember, but I also know they tore it down and built a new art building - so I am not sure. Either way I never took a class in that building :) haha. Which is funny since Dixie has less than 20 buildings on campus. I did love it down there, but hopefully you guys find somehting that you will like...including housing- that stinks that their marrried housing is ghetto.
Well I am glad you had fun - after you got there, that is ;) Kylin sure is a brave one! If you guys do move I will come visit you cause I am always looking for an excuse to go back down there. I miss the red rocks. Good luck with it all.
Yea! St.George is the best, and once you move down here you will never want to leave. When you are in town next we will have to catch up and grab a bite:)
St george would be great for you guys. Hot in the summer, but heck, that is only 3 months our of the year. The rest of the year-your weather rocks! I am sure that you could find what you need as far as housing goes. I am with you, it would be super hard to up and leave my house now also. SOOOO glad that my hubby is done with school! What a stress just to get a stupid piece of paper!
HEy-go over to my blog-i have more info on the swawp aNd I need your info. So-go and look!
sorry to post again-I am sure that you are so busy and you haven't even had a chance to check your blog-you bing busy with all your many talents. yes i am jealous!
Would you plese email me your name address and email to by this weekend. I will send you the info on your swap partner and her blog so you can check her out. Have a happy day!
My FAVORITE!!!! background and pic so far - will you please do that of all six of our feet? Please, please please! Love ya! I am praying for you guys...every little bit extra helps! Though selfishly I kinda don't want you to move...tee hee hee...but I am being good and praying for all to go well with your home and moving.
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