So, anyways a couple days ago we went up Sardine Canyon to Sherwood Hills to have a picnic and play in the leaves. It is a family tradition that I LOVE! Fall is my favorite season because it is just so darn BEAUTIFUL, too bad winter has to come and ruin it! But, the kids had tons of fun throwing the leaves around and rolling in them. Plus, there are tons of beautiful trails to walk around. If you haven't seen Sardine Canyon at this time of year I totally recommend you go :)
They only get McDonald's Happy meals on special Occasions...they are like 4 bucks a piece! And can I just say the toys used to be cooler. I love that they have apples & chocolate milk now though.
Also, I have to throw in that I really have LOVED conference this past couple days. It seemed like the topic was, "Dealing with hard times and enduring" It was so great to get a little boost and realize that everyone goes through hard times and that Heavenly Father is there for us. I really got a lot out of most everyone's talks this year and I can't wait till they come out in the Ensign. Here is a couple pictures of us snuggling while watching & Mckay knowing it was Pajama Sunday wanting to wear my Pj's :)
Don't mind the hair or no makeup...thank goodness it is out of focus because Ky was the one that pushed the timer button and then ran back and jumped on the couch. hehe.
10 Say What's:
Fall is my favorite too! Where you guys living at? ARe you in a house or apartment?
I remember people at our wedding talking about the beautiful drive - we got married in Logan. I wish we could see the canyon before all the leaves fall off, but we probably won't make it. Those pictures turned out way cute, as always. Seeing your kids play together makes me hopeful that maybe our kids will get along - cause me and my siblings did NOT! :) And I like McKay in your PJ's - you got some cute pj's. All of mine are race shirts and sweat pants. Bleh.
ah, i love the pictures of your kids in the leaves, they are so cute! sadly we probably won't make it up there before the leaves fall either. i swear conference always comes at just the right time huh? ha, i just read megans comment...we probably were friends when we were that little it was when we got older that we started biting hitting and being mean to each other :-)
I love the pictures of your kids in the fall leafs. Fall is my favorite time of the year too. The changing of the leafs is beautiful.
Hey Kelley! Oh, I LOVE Sherwood Hills! Mark and I went there for our first time on our anniversary last year. It was beautiful! Hopefully we will make it up there this year but October is crazy so I don't know. Super cute pictures too! It helps when you have super cute kids! Also, I did see the rest of my pictures and they are awesome! Yah, I need to talk to you about what I want and I had a couple of questions. If I don't hear from you I will call you soon.
P.S. Amanda's pics were adorable too!
Sounds like you guys had a great weekend also. I love the new header on your blog!!!!
ok-I just read your last post! I am so sorry! Holy crap!! I kind only imagine the pain that was! NO you are not a wimp! I am sure that the surgery will be minor, but any kind of surgery where they put you under is scary!
You will do great!
I too loved conference! I agree, I felt so uplifted to hear the words and to know that I am not the only one that feels overwhelmed! Cute pics! As always-you never dissapoint.
Kel, Oh my gosh! Your fall pictures are absolutley adorable!! And Kylin, oh my heck, her cute baby legs kill me! I can't wait to put Lyndee in some. I'm gonna be so bummed when you move...Good thing for blogs so we can keep in touch. Plus your my new photographer too!
Just for the record - you look great with no makeup and hair "not done". Good grief sis! And I too loved conference....I DVR'd it and am watching my favs again. Love the fall pics...I need to go do that with my kids...the colors are gorgeous right now!
So fun! You take such great pictures and have the most adorable kids also. Sorry about your IUD. I have one in and almost past out when they were putting it in cause it hurt so bad. I think I should go get it checked to. I hope the surgery goes well.
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