I hope everyone had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We sure did...TWICE. We ate at the Howe's on actual thanksgiving day and then on Saturday we ate at the Stanford's house. And man did we EAT! Besides the amazing food, It is always fun spending time with family. I am so thankful for my wonderful families, and this little family Craig & I have started...How very blessed we are :)

I wanted to get some pictures taken for our Christmas cards. So, I asked my sis in law Stac if she could take some for us because she has a really good eye for it. I let her use my camera of course, and just did all the settings for her. Don't you just love that I posed us...hehe. I LOVE that picture though! My favorite one actually :) It just seems like our crazy life in a nutshell.
The whole shoot though, My kids were HORRIBLE and I was getting so frustrated because they would not look at the camera AT ALL and keep making faces. Soooo....after some head swapping in Photoshop I think I got a few. THANKS so much Stac, you did an AWESOME job!

Look at all the food!

The Crew....I was all the way against a wall so I couldn't step back anymore, but you get the general idea of what everyone looks like :)

I love my Craigey so much and am so thankful for him...almost been married 6 years now! He is such good kind person and very patient with me :)

I was all "pictured" out on actual Thanksgiving so I didn't take any pics at the Howe's, But it was a lot of fun too!
ps. For all of you wondering....I did do Black Friday! I do it EVERY year. This year we spent the night at the Howe's and woke up at 3 a.m to make it to Shopko in time! I got EVERYTHING on my list that I wanted to get. WAHOO! Thanks to Stacie & Sharlie for being runners for us. hehe. I even got Craig to go this year. Funny thing is, is that all the lines I stood in that day were only like 10 minutes (we have a system) EXCEPT for when we stood in line for 45-minutes to get my favorite hairpray, BIG SEXY HAIR for a good deal! haha. Normally $18 and got it for $5 TOTALLY worth it.
12 Say What's:
Girl!..that first picture is AMAZING!..so so cute~...and I can't get over your new hair color!..So pretty!
Super cute pictures! Love them. Hey, sending out christmas cards soon, but ....dont know if you will be in your new little place in logan or in ogden still. Can I have an address? :)
Hows that going anyway? All packed?
Those pictures turned out great - and at least Stacey did cute off Ky's head like others' seem to do with your camera. LOL. Black Friday shopping is a lot of fun. I am jealous your have a system and people that go with you - that would be nice to only have to stand in line for 10 minutes. Minus the time for your hairspray - you are hilarious!
i need to hear this system of yours...maybe i would actually go if i only had to stand in line for 10 min. the pictures turned out SO so cute! i love the first one. and no we won't be getting a new house...once we sell our house...which i don't expect to be anytime soon...we'll probably rent for a while down there. when do you guys move to logan
looks like thanksgiving was a hit! :) glad to hear you and your cute fam are doing well :) btw...you look GORGEOUS!! LOVE the new pics :) LOVE them!!
Sounds and look's like you guys had a GREAT thanksgiving. I love your pictures especially that first one, SO cute!! Don't you love it when you want your kids to do what you need them to do or want them to do they don't but when you could careless they are perfect. . .what would we do without our kids : )
I am still full! LOL! Diet time...oh geesh...I will wait till after Christmas! Black Friday is sooo fun - glad you got your deals! Love your new family pic too...my fav! Love ya!
Wow thats a great deal on Sexy Hair! Where are you guys moving to?
Wow! Kelley that is amazing your longest line was 45 min. We were at walmart for 2 hours I swear! Oh-well so fun and so worth the deals. But I didn't get everything, oh well. You'll have to let me know your system! LOVE your fam pics! So Cute!
dude, do you ever not take a good picture?! grrrr...youre definately a hottie.
im jealous of all the after thanksgiving sales! shopping online just doesnt cut it.
Love love love the pictures! You really have the cutest little family :) I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving :) Nothing bets a holiday where we get to eat, spend time with family, eat and relax!
Love the pictures, especially the first one. So cute. We also are nuts and go out shopping on black friday. It's like an obsession. Glad you got everything on your list. Happy Holidays!
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