Well, the time has come....and I am pretty sad about it. Our home sold today, and we are finally packing and moving to Logan the first week in December. I love this house and it has so many great memories for our family. People always say to me, "It is just a house and you can get another one right?" It's true, I just LOVED this house and all the wonderful times we have had in it. I have moved around my entire life and just want a home I can settle down in for a little while. But, it will be good for Craig to finish school and hopefully in a couple years we will be able to buy another home.
I am going to be packing like crazy this next couple weeks...Which, I HATE HATE HATE! Gosh, now I am just sounding super whiny. Sorry. I went to the Temple today for my little brother's endowments (he leaves on his mission in Dec) and I just got a wonderful feeling that everything is going to be ok and that Logan will be good for our family. We found a new town home (that we are renting) it is 3-bedroom, 2-bath, and 2-car garage and a little fenced in yard. Not so bad for $350 a month! So, to Logan we go...and hopefully I won't freeze to death :)
I am gonna miss this....
I love my big bath tub

I love the nice open floor plan & all the light

For sure my kitchen...LOVE it

And, I am gonna miss all you WONDERFUL people I have met here in this ward.
Seriously you are so great and I have loved meeting and becoming friends with you all. We have to keep in touch...Thank goodness for blogs :)
17 Say What's:
I'm going to miss you most of all!!!! I am so sad you are moving an additional hour away :( I know it will be the right thing for your family, but it definitely isn't the right thing for me! Good luck packing. If you have time, let's try to get together before you leave. And, congrats on selling the house!
350 a month?! Are you kidding me?! That's enough right there to make me sell my house and move to logan. Ahhh logan... I hope you guys have a great time and that school goes well for Craig. As hard as being away from family and living the student life is, it really was the very best thing for Cameron and I and are family. Good luck!!!!!
Oh girl!!!...moving sucks!!!..I hate it!...and I can't imagine it doing it with kids!..good luck! and let us know if you need help!
I am sorry you are moving, Aiden will be sad to lose his teacher. He does not warm up to many people. Thank goodness for blogs!
hey for 350 a month...that's awesome. i'm glad you guys found a place. i hope that you love logan as much as we did
I heart your house as well. I can see why it would be do hard to leave it, especially knowing how much your family moved around growing up. **sigh** I am happy you were finally able to sell you house though (I am sure that is a huge stress lifted) and that you found a place in Logan for a banging deal! I hope you survive the freezing cold winters up there too. Eat at Cafe Sabor lots for me. Mmmmm.
Good Luck with your move to Logan.
And Craig going to school. It will be so worth it and will pay off in the long run. We were in school for 6 years and I thought it would never end! And now look...we've been done with school since
1979! It's hard to believe it's been that long. When you have a hard day...remember to look at the bigger picture! He'll do great! I hope your feeling better and boy, that was an ordeal you went through!! I've loved reading your blog and keeping up to date with all the Howe family! Your blog is awesome and your little kids are soo cute!°Ü° Good luck in your new adventures in Logan! I would still love for you to teach me more about photoshop! Thanks again for your wonderful help!! Take good care all of you and lots of luck!! You were so lucky to sell your house! That's wonderful.
Love, Paula
Boo! I am sad you are leaving! We were just starting to get to know each other better! I know we can still blog and Facebook but it is not the same! I am still going to want you to do pictures of Carter and our future kids so we will still see you once in a while. If you need any help packing or even just watching your kids so you can pack let me know.
Reading your blog entry made me cry because it made me remember all the good times we had in our old house in Syracuse. It has never been the same since. It has been 2 1/2 yeaars since we sold that house and I still wonder when Pete and I will have a normal life and actually own our own home again. But I have definately grown up a lot and Peter and I have grown even closer together and I know the Lord wouldn't give us any thing that we couldn't handle. So good luck, and I am sure you won't have any problems finding new friends-besided you are only an hour away from home.
Congrats on selling your house. I know you don't really want to leave but I bet you also feel realived that you have it sold finally. Unfortunately we are still hoping for a sale. We will miss you guys and playing with your cute Kylin in nursery. Good luck with the move. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
That's good you sold your home but sad that you are really leaving now. my cell# is 920-5730 just in case you ever need anything babysitting included to make moving easier. remember to keep in touch you and your cute family are so fun:) Good Luck with the road ahead:)
Wow, 350 a month, that is awesome!! We will sure miss you guys, we were just getting to you better. well, if you need any help with anything let us know. Take care and good luck with school and moving!
wow, it's so hard to move, but you really can't beat $350/month, that's awesome. let me know if i can help, i could watch your kids or something. where in logan will you be living, we'll have to get the kids together to play, i'm excited to have someone in logan, yay!
Good luck with the move! I wish your family well with you new adventure you are about to embark in good ol' Logan!
Thats a great deal on rent & good that you'll be close for Craig to go to school. Good luck with the move! You'll be close to Gossner's Cheese too! We just had some friends move up there a few months ago & they really like it.
I know what you mean when you say you are sad to leave your house. When we moved it almost felt like I was going to loose the memories that I had there. The day you leave I am sure it will be hard and you might shed a fear tears, but I am sure you will love logan. Good luck on packing!
I am happy that everything worked out. I hope you both enjoy yourselves up in Logan. I too wasn't really impressed with the Twilight movie...we will have to talk. :)
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