I had a lot of fun putting this post together today! There are LOTS of pictures of course. But, it is my blog right. hehe. And my journal :) First off, I want to tell my hubby he is the BEST! I had no idea he was going to make that post, He is so dang sweet....I LOVE YOU CRAIGERY!!!! I am sure I could make a list of 10 things that drive him CRAZY :P Thanks to everyone who made sweet comments. You guys are so great!
Ok, so here is our last couple days....
This is a family tradition we do every year....NEW PJ's!

Usually every year we are at my Parents for Christmas Eve, but this year we celebrated early before Jake left on his mission.....Soooo, we had our own little family Christmas Eve. We had a YUMMY dinner, watched the Grinch, read the Christmas Story (well more like quickly paraphrased it) and then left treats for Santa. A really fun night! It took the kids about 2-hours to finally go to sleep because they were so excited. We missed you this year Mom & Dad.

Our cute stockings....Ky is Abominable, I'm Santa, Mckay is Rudolf, and Craig is the miner guy. If you have ever seen that old Rudolph show you totally know who these guys are :)

The kids had been sleeping on the floor ever since we moved to this house, So I REALLY wanted to drive to IKEA and get them a bed. I had been trying for a week to borrow someone's truck. We tried 3 different people and everyone was busy or the weather was bad. I was getting frustrated because I wanted the kids to have a bed by Christmas. So, being the freakin' stubborn person I am, I drove to IKEA in our little car by myself and put the dang thing in my car half HANGING OUT THE WINDOW because it didn't fit. I drove the 2-hours home in a huge snowstorm. You had to see it....pretty HILARIOUS! I drove the whole way with my hood on so I wouldn't get covered in the snow that was blowing through the open window. But, the kids got a bed for Christmas and it was TOTALLY worth it!!!! Their little faces were priceless.

Since I did all the work to get the bed it was PAY BACK for Craig! He had to put the thing together on Christmas Eve after the kids went to bed. The darn kids didn't stop getting out of their beds till about 9:45 pm. After 4 1/2 hours and 25 pages of instructions the bed was done!!! The nice thing about IKEA is that there stuff is pretty inexpensive, but the catch is you have to put it together yourself. So we were up till about 3 am.

The finished bed! WAHOO! we picked the kids up while they were sleeping and carried them into our room so we could put their room all together for them.

This is their finished decorated room.

They ran in their room and were so excited!!! I have never seen anyone "Jump for Joy" before but Mckay TOTALLY was! They both loved their room. Their stockings were laying on their new beds and it took Ky no time at all to empty it out and start eating her candy.

Presents time! Santa always leaves the presents from him on the couch and not under the tree.

His digger truck he has been asking for EVERY day this month! I am sad now that I can't use the -- "be good so Santa will bring you presents" cause it TOTALLY worked! He has been an angel.

Ky got a Cabbage patch doll from Santa.

I wanted them to learn how to give instead of just get presents. So, they picked out a present for each other at the store and here they are giving it to each other....So cute :)

Kylin got a new Tea set that she played with forever!

This Robot was my #1 killer deal on black Friday. Totally worth getting up at 4am for. Normally $130 and I got it for $30! It is the coolest thing ever....shoots dart, turns any direction you want, and it runs....the eyes even glow. Needless to say, Mckay loved it.

This is my little 2-year old with her new phone who looks like she is SIXTEEN!!! and acts like she is too.

Her texting of course.

we drove down to the Howe's after we opened our presents...The kids really LOVE their grandparents so much! They had a lot of fun shoveling. It was great to sit and hang out with them all day and have a nice dinner.
This was THE WORST snow storm I had ever been in and of course we got to see it first hand. It took us 3 1/2 hours to get home instead of the 1 it normally does. We were going an average of 25 the whole way. We should have stayed the night at the Howe's but didn't realize it was so bad till we had already driven a 1/2 and didn't want to turn around. Instead of Sardine Canyon (which was closed) we went all the way around by way of Tremonton. We got 1/2 way through that little canyon to find a LONG line of cars and a police officer came and told us that they had shut down that road too! So, we were STUCK for an hour till a snow plow came and they re opened the road. We sang with the kids, talked about Christmas and Mckay made some yellow snow.

Thank goodness we borrowed the Howe's SUV with 4-wheel Drive!

It was such a great day! I love my family so much and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!
21 Say What's:
I loved reading this post. Your kiddos are so sweet and cute! Thanks for sharing. Oh! and I am sooo glad you were finally able to get home safely!
You are a great story teller. What fun pictures. That bed is the cutest!
What a great post - I just loved the little thought bubbles. So glad you guys had a great Christmas and that you got home okay in that storm! (We had our own storm adventures, and oh my heck - what a mess!)
I love the bed! Too bad you got stuck for so long in that snow storm! Sounds like you had a great Christmas. I think it was the best ever for us!--so much fun with the ages that our kids are!
Hahahahahahaha - that was me the whole time I was reading your blog! I love all the quote blocks! Their room looks awesome as everything you do ends up being/looking. And sorry it took so long to get home - that's what you get for moving away!
You are such an awesome mom. I loved the beds. I am so impressed that you are always taking pictures. I kind of slacked on christmas with the picture taking. Sounds like you had quite the adventurous christmas. BTW I got Ella the exact same pjs for christmas. THey are darling!!!!
I loved the way you did your pictures, they are so cute. Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas except the ride home. That sucks that it took you 3 hrs to get home. Your kids are so cute and it looks like they enjoyed every part of Christmas!!
i can't believe you drove home in that mess. you guys are crazy. don't worry, we used to be that crazy when we first moved here now, we either don't go down or we take overnight stuff with us incase we end up sleeping over.
i love the christmas pics
such a cute fun christmas! and I love their new room!!! good job. I just shot that picture infront of my glass doors without a flash:) thats all...and ps thanks so much for all the info on lights! I am looking into getting a couple.
oh my heck i'm so sorry about the drive back up to logan! and with 2 little ones that was probably a treat! looks like you had a great christmas though! the kids room looks darling, i love it.
Your Christmas sounds fabulous (minus the snow storm, naturally). I loved all your pictures with the captions - such a cute idea. And their bedroom looked fabulous. I love IKEA - weird that I never go and I don't even live far away. When we were driving to my parents on Christmas Ross' exact words were 'this storm is horrible. If we lived in Logan still we wouldn't be making this drive.' I definitely don't miss driving in the snowy canyon. Glad you made it home alive! :)
So I am wondering as to what time you guys tried driving through the canyon on Christmas day. We drove through it around 8:30 or so and it should've been close but wasn't. I was wondering if they closed it after we went through or if was before. anyways it looks like you guys had a great Christmas and lots of fun.
Looks like you had such a fun Christmas with lots of activities! I have to say I LOVE your kids new bedroom and I bet they do too!!
Girl!..These pictures are amazing!!!....and I love your kids room!...I want one like that!:)..
It looks like you guys had a great Christmas in your new place. Mckay and Kylin's room looks so cute! Nice job! I hope Logan is treating you well!
Your pictures were perfect! I loved this post...and looks like you guys had a great christmas.
I have some questions about making my blog a 3 column thingy...any tips? Actually...how much would you charge to walk me through it...because I know I will never figure it out on my own:)
I LOVE how you can have pics and things on the side...but the pics in the center are huge. Do you upload to flickr? TELL ME.
I am glad to hear you made it back to Logan safely. That canyon is so scary sometimes!
Cute new bedroom too. You're such a darling mom.
Your kids are so cute! I LOVE their room! Where did you get all the cute stuff?
Wow, that storm was crazy! I love you catching her "texting" Syd does that all the time. Trouble. Oh and thanks a ton for the tip on the book! Before I saw that I was going to ask you if I should take a class or something because there is so much on my camera that I don't understand yet. And SOOO much I need to learn, but I will go get that book for sure! How did you learn how to use all the creative modes on it?
Sorry that last ? may not have made sense. Oh well, thanks for the advice! Anything will help me right now!
(i tried to comment earlier but my computer was acting ghetto for me)
LOVE all your pictures and cute sayings! and ugh! i do NOT miss the crazy snow that comes to cache valley. good thing you guys were safe.
love the ikea bed and fun decorations! i frequently visit all the ikeas that are around us here in germany. im sad that there isnt one in anchorage so im stocking up on things right now!
glad to hear you guys had a great christmas.
What a fun Christmas, except for being stuck in slow traffic. I like the kids new room. I can just imagine you driving in a snow storm with wood hanging out of your car. haha. I'm glad you had a good Holiday.
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