This blog has been hijacked!
This is not the original Blog author!
This is her husband!
Since Kelley will never take the time and brag about how awesome she is I guess I will have to do it for her! A lot of you already know how wonderful she is but since it is a blog about our family I believe I do have the right to post occasionally...and since its late and shes asleep, hopefully a few people will get to see this before she pulls it down! hehehe
Top 10 things I LOVE about Kelley
1. She is an amazing Mom!
Mckay & Kylin are just as smitten with her as I am. They even call me mom most of the time and are disappointing when they look up and I'm not her. :)
2. She puts up with me and my craziness
For those of you that know me you know that I have a lot of ideas and I usually take some action on them in hopes that someday one of them will work out. Including our latest little adventure to Logan.
3. She is an amazing photographer!
You see the proof here! she is even good at taking pictures of herself!
4. I love all her little quirks
such as: (sorry Kel) Sniffing fleece blankets untill your nose is raw and you have a headache. Cringing when I crease paper. Not letting food touch the other food on your plate. :) all these things make her so unique I love it!
5. Her Eyes
They really are the first thing I noticed about her even though she doesn't think so! (I promise!)
6. Her laugh and smile
If you can really pin her down and tickle her she laughs like this.. Hahahahehehehohoho.. and then repeats...Its so cute!
7. She always notices me
She can always remember what I'm wearing or have worn and always comments on when I smell good. She has an amazing nose! both in shape and functionality.
8. She always takes the time to read to the kids.
Even when they bring her the same 3 books and have her read them over and over and over.
9. She is a cuddler.
She cant fall asleep without snuggling up to me.
10. Her lists and getting them done.
Kelley has a list for everything. I think I even saw make a list on a list once. But, she always gets things done and is so organized. I dont even want to think what condition the house, kids or world would be without her lists.
Anyways, I hope a few of you all get to see this post and comment on it before it gets deleted. And I hope you now know a little bit more about my wonderful wife. Merry Christmas! I love you Kelley!
This blog has been hijacked!
This is not the original Blog author!
This is her husband!
Since Kelley will never take the time and brag about how awesome she is I guess I will have to do it for her! A lot of you already know how wonderful she is but since it is a blog about our family I believe I do have the right to post occasionally...and since its late and shes asleep, hopefully a few people will get to see this before she pulls it down! hehehe
Top 10 things I LOVE about Kelley
1. She is an amazing Mom!
Mckay & Kylin are just as smitten with her as I am. They even call me mom most of the time and are disappointing when they look up and I'm not her. :)
2. She puts up with me and my craziness
For those of you that know me you know that I have a lot of ideas and I usually take some action on them in hopes that someday one of them will work out. Including our latest little adventure to Logan.
3. She is an amazing photographer!
You see the proof here! she is even good at taking pictures of herself!
4. I love all her little quirks
such as: (sorry Kel) Sniffing fleece blankets untill your nose is raw and you have a headache. Cringing when I crease paper. Not letting food touch the other food on your plate. :) all these things make her so unique I love it!
5. Her Eyes
They really are the first thing I noticed about her even though she doesn't think so! (I promise!)
6. Her laugh and smile
If you can really pin her down and tickle her she laughs like this.. Hahahahehehehohoho.. and then repeats...Its so cute!
7. She always notices me
She can always remember what I'm wearing or have worn and always comments on when I smell good. She has an amazing nose! both in shape and functionality.
8. She always takes the time to read to the kids.
Even when they bring her the same 3 books and have her read them over and over and over.
9. She is a cuddler.
She cant fall asleep without snuggling up to me.
10. Her lists and getting them done.
Kelley has a list for everything. I think I even saw make a list on a list once. But, she always gets things done and is so organized. I dont even want to think what condition the house, kids or world would be without her lists.
Anyways, I hope a few of you all get to see this post and comment on it before it gets deleted. And I hope you now know a little bit more about my wonderful wife. Merry Christmas! I love you Kelley!
14 Say What's:
That was a pretty sweet list there. My favorite comment was that your nose was both cute in shape and functionality. LOL. You and Craig are so meant to be together. You are a great person Kelley, and I guess your husband is too ;)
I saw it:) and it is so cute..and don't delete it:) Hope all is well in Logan!!!
Craig, that was so nice! What a good match you two are. Kelley, you are amazing! How you do it all, I will never know.
Thanks Craig for the awesome post! I especially loved the part about her laugh...I forgot all about it! That is totally how she laughs!
What a sweet husband you have! You can tell he loves you SO much and thinks the world of you! He is luck to have you Kelley cause you are such a sweet girl!!
Oh how sweet. That was awesome. You better not delete it. I don't think Jon could come up with even 3 things he likes about me.
Wow Craig!! YOu rock!! I am so impressed. Kelley is lucky to have you.
that was such a sweet post...i love to hear how in love hubby's are with their wives. and kelley you are pretty fabulous!! i didn't ever really know you, but megan speaks so highly of you and you have been so sweet to me via blog and have become a fabulous blogging friend!
Way to go Craig!! :D
What a wonderful Christmas present! So sweet Craig! And I laughed at some of those things...you know she has always been like that! You are beautiful inside and out sis! Love ya!
too cute!
Kel, I want you to know that I think you are amazing too! You are seriously one of those amazing women who can do anything and are just so cute and perfect and you don't even realize it. I'm so glad you have a husband who realizes it and lets you know! That's awesome :)
What an awesome hubby you have!
And, I KNOW he's a sweet guy genuinely, I knew him in High School!
I totally stumbled upon your blog, because I could not help reading about a hijacking hubby!
Thanks for the smile!
Breanna {maiden name: Hall}
That is so sweet. Craig your are a great husband!
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