First off, I have to say THANK YOU so much to everyone who made me feel so much better about my kiddos acting up. I am so glad to hear that some of you have kids that act up sometimes too. Thanks for the tips...I really appreciate you all so much and taking the time to come and make me feel better :) You're all the best! And hopefully I won't have another melt down like that for a while. hehe. We all deserve a turn right? :P
Well, on with this week. I decided I really like to have projects. I think it drives Craig crazy cause there is always some new thing I want to do or try. I think it is because we haven't had TV since we have moved into this house. No Office, 30 Rock, Heroes, 24, Chuck....ALL my favorite shows :( I am really missing them, but I decided that I REALLY enjoy sewing and so I have been doing lots of it lately. I made some cute headbands for Ky and I, there is a GREAT pattern from "Heather Bailey"
HERE is the link.

I saw them on Elizabeth
Kartchner's blog and had to make them. The fabric for mine is also Heathers line of fabric...I
believe it is called "Pop Garden". I LOVE her stuff. Ky's was made from some fabric scraps I had lying around. I think I am gonna make a bunch more cause they turned out so cute :) And they were super easy.

I also saw this awesome Camera strap cover from Elizabeth's blog, she found a store that sold them on
Etsy. Well, I didn't want to pay the $25 to order one, so I decided to make my own. What a copy cat I am! But, it is SO NICE because when I am out shooting with my big L-lens it gets pretty heavy, so this camera strap is soft and I padded the inside, so it makes it pretty cushy. It just slips on right over your leather camera strap.

I think I am gonna make some and start selling them on my
SPC site. But, if you want one right now, just let me know...they are $20 and I have lots of fabric, so just let me know what you are into and want and I can email you pictures of my fabric :)
Also, I have been wanting to recover my dining room chairs for about a year now. I am so sick of them being covered in food and stains from my kids. So, I saw this cute fabric at the store the other day and decided to go for it. Plus, Heather you
inspired me with your couch recover :) It was
actually pretty easy...just a little time consuming. I had to get all the old staples out with some pliers, but 3-hours and a sliver later they were off. Then I just staple
guned the new fabric down. I think they turned out pretty cute! We will see how long it takes the kids to destroy these ones. And it was only $8 for the fabric!

My last project....since we don't have a lot of room in this playroom, there was no room for the kids chalkboard. So, I decided to paint their book cabinet, so now they can draw all over that and they LOVE IT! They have chalkboard paint at Home Depot for only like $10.

So that is what I have been up to...I think I like to be busy. Thank goodness I get to do all these projects when the kids are asleep, or there would be NO WAY I could get them done. Craig & I will just sit and watch a movie and I work on stuff :) Now I just need to work on cleaning my house from all these projects :)
20 Say What's:
oh kelley, you are kind of too talented for me:) and ambitious! Love all of your new projects! Hope Logan is treating you well!
Thanks for the headband project! I have been wanting to make some. I like the new chairs. You're always thinking of something fun!
You are so crafty! I wish I had some of your talent!!! I loved the headbands!
ALl the things you do make my head spin. YOu are so talented and everything turned out so cute. Can I just pay you to come and help me with my house. I am so clueless of where to even begin! Oh pretty please, Or perhaps you bottle your talent and sell it on Etsy? Hmmmm.
Kel, you and Kylin have the most beautiful eyes! Gorgeous! Also, way to go on the headbands and the chairs! You are amazing!
for the real, i agree with everyone, you are way too talented. i would like you to make some headbands for me. let me know how much they are
Girl!!!!..First you are GORGEOUS!!!!.. and how crafty you are!!!...Love the camera strap!!!
Martha Stewart watch out! I love your chairs! What a clever, busy girl you are.
man, i am so jealous of how creative and ambitious you are! i too want to start all these projects, but give up most of the time as im not that great with the sewing machine. i saw those camera straps on elizabeth's blog a few days ago and loved them! it kills my neck to have the camera hanging from it when we travel around here. i am interested in buying one from you as, like you said, the ones on that ladies etsy shop were a little expensive. im all about the damask print at the moment, but love the b&w one you have on this post!
seriously, we have to get together when im in logan this june. its sad that we werent better friends when we were both in renton! i was always so sad back in the highschool days!
You are so crafty! I love it! Wish I lived next door so you could teach me all your tricks! I especially love the headbands and as soon as I buy some elastic, I'm going to work. Hope you don't mind I blogged about your fabulous idea! Love you!
You and your kids are so darn cute. I just love all of your photos. I love all of your new projects, way cute!
You are so crafty! I love Heather Bailey, she has such great stuff!
I love projects. My newest is a quiet book for my monster who doesnt sit still in church. I will blog it when Im done. I need the sewing practice, so Im thinking that I might try those cute headbands! The ones you did were SO cute!
busy! the chairs look great! i love the fabric- super cute. well, off to bed- universal studios awaits me in the morning! (we are here with jon's family- so usually his dad watches rowan so we can go on a ride together!)
Oh my gosh! I love everything you have done! :) Great job on the camera strap! Do you think it'd work with the Nikon D40? I ask b/c sis just bought one, and well, I think she'd love a strap! lol
I always LOVE reading your blog because it makes me want to learn how to do more crafts! I can't believe how creative you are! And as far is the kids go, you are SOOOOO not alone! I have been almost to tears in the grocery store because I can't get Syd to chill. Kids . . .
i love heather bailey and those headbands are darling!!! so so cute! all of your projects turned out great, i love the chalk board idea, coop would love that. you're so talented
Love it all! You are one talented cookie!! I think you inspire all your blog readers!!
ps. I love the chairs! Super cute!!
You are a crazy busy person and you inspire me to make and try new things-I only hope one day I can be like you;
Hey Kelley! No, I did not disapear off the face of the Earth. We have been having several computer issues with our computer. We had to get a new motherboard etc. I love all of your cute projects. Of course they would be cute if you did them! :)
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