You wouldn't think those two things would go together, but they do with our family. Let me start with this last Friday when all the sudden Ky was throwing up ALL day long, had a runny nose, and temp. I thought maybe she had eaten something bad and decided just to keep giving her Tylenol and wait it out. Well Saturday was no better, but we went to my parents house to dye Easter eggs and have dinner anyways.

Mckay would have made EVERY egg green if we let him. hehe.

The egg hunt in the Backyard... Mckay was always so excited when he found one! And yes, he dresses himself. hehe

These little chicks are Mckays favorite part of Easter...he really has a thing for "little birdies" as he calls them.
Poor Kylin slept through the whole thing and was miserable and starting pulling at her ears when she woke up. So, we took her into the ER. And it was a good thing we did, because she had a temperature of 103 and a DOUBLE ear infection.

I didn't know kids threw up and got so sick when they got ear infections because the other times weren't so bad. Well, it took an hour to get her Temp down enough to take her home, but she felt soooo much better and is on Antiboidics now.
We stayed the night at my parents house that night, and Easter moring we woke up and hide eggs and the kids baskets. They loved finding them and had lots of fun eating the candy, brushing their teeth with their new toothbrushes and then blowing some bubbles.

Then we drove to the Howe's and went to church with them. All the meetings that day were so great and it just made me think how very blessed we are to be apart of this true church and have the knowledge that we do.
After church we were able to dye eggs again since Ky missed it the day before, and had another candy and egg hunt.

Then we had the yummiest dinner and I was ACTUALLY able to eat dinner for the first time in 2-months :) It was great!
I decided to take some pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits. Sheila and Sharlie made Kylin the cutest Easter dress! I just wish I had been more in the mood to take some pictures so that I would have made more of and effort to look at the lighting and switch my lens...but oh well, they are still cute.

We told them to "Be Lovey" and this is what they did. hehe. Maybe they are watching Craig and I too much!

Now, on to our second ER visit....me :) I went in Yesterday becuase I was really dehydrated and so they got me an IV and hooked me up to 3-bags of fluids. I wish I could say I am feeling better, but at least I am sure the fluids were good for our litle baby. I think they got upgraded to a swimming pool instead of a little bathtub to swim in. hehe.

On Monday we will be back in the hospital for Mckay's surgery :( ...I will tell you more about that in a couple days. Gosh, maybe we should just rent out a room or something. What a crazy month this has been so far. But, I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!

Mckay would have made EVERY egg green if we let him. hehe.

The egg hunt in the Backyard... Mckay was always so excited when he found one! And yes, he dresses himself. hehe

These little chicks are Mckays favorite part of Easter...he really has a thing for "little birdies" as he calls them.
Poor Kylin slept through the whole thing and was miserable and starting pulling at her ears when she woke up. So, we took her into the ER. And it was a good thing we did, because she had a temperature of 103 and a DOUBLE ear infection.

I didn't know kids threw up and got so sick when they got ear infections because the other times weren't so bad. Well, it took an hour to get her Temp down enough to take her home, but she felt soooo much better and is on Antiboidics now.
We stayed the night at my parents house that night, and Easter moring we woke up and hide eggs and the kids baskets. They loved finding them and had lots of fun eating the candy, brushing their teeth with their new toothbrushes and then blowing some bubbles.

Then we drove to the Howe's and went to church with them. All the meetings that day were so great and it just made me think how very blessed we are to be apart of this true church and have the knowledge that we do.
After church we were able to dye eggs again since Ky missed it the day before, and had another candy and egg hunt.

Then we had the yummiest dinner and I was ACTUALLY able to eat dinner for the first time in 2-months :) It was great!
I decided to take some pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits. Sheila and Sharlie made Kylin the cutest Easter dress! I just wish I had been more in the mood to take some pictures so that I would have made more of and effort to look at the lighting and switch my lens...but oh well, they are still cute.

We told them to "Be Lovey" and this is what they did. hehe. Maybe they are watching Craig and I too much!

Now, on to our second ER visit....me :) I went in Yesterday becuase I was really dehydrated and so they got me an IV and hooked me up to 3-bags of fluids. I wish I could say I am feeling better, but at least I am sure the fluids were good for our litle baby. I think they got upgraded to a swimming pool instead of a little bathtub to swim in. hehe.

On Monday we will be back in the hospital for Mckay's surgery :( ...I will tell you more about that in a couple days. Gosh, maybe we should just rent out a room or something. What a crazy month this has been so far. But, I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!

8 Say What's:
oh...I feel so bad for you. I hope all is well....and you get feeling better soon!
Goodness! That just makes me tired reading it! I can't imagine having two kids, one on the way, and feeling like crap, and having to do all that! You're a super lady for toughing it all out.
Oh my goodness what a weekend! I cheered for you though that you got to enjoy Easter dinner! :) Hope you're doing better soon and that everything goes well with McKay.
You are a super woman...seriously! I hope the fluids made you feel better and I am so happy you were able to get one good meal in this weekend! Sounds like the Easter part of your weekend went well however ;) Let's just hope you can keep Craig out of the ER now :)
Those pictures of your kids turned out so cute! Holy cow! ER visits suck! I got the flu when I had Morgan and they had to rehydrate me. Only that fixed me, I can't imagine how horrible it would be to not get better! And Morgan just had an ear infection that made her get a temp of 103. She didn't puke at all, but they really hurt them!
Wow, what a week! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well and the kids aren't either.
The pics turned out really cute and I'm glad at least you enjoyed dinner - hope you feel all better soon! You'll be in our prayers!
I hope you're all feeling better. What in the world is Mckay having surgery for? Good luck! I love you and think about you all the time! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy Easter dinner...are you starting to feel better at all?
I am glad you are getting rest even though you haven't been feeling that great. An upgrade to a swimming pool is a lot better than the tub haha. By the way The look on McKay's face when he found an egg is so cute! I had to show my husband all of your easter pics of your cute kids.
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