My Big Girl...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So- We have begun potty training Kylin. She has been ready for a few months now...but I haven't. I just remember how hard Potty-training Mckay was and I just have not been feeling up to it. Well, Craig has been buggin me about it, and this last weekend my mother in law bought Ky the CUTEST Elmo potty book that came with a chart. So, I decided it was time and actaully she is doing SO WELL! Out of these 2-days she has only had one accident. We still put her to bed with a diaper on of course. But, She loves getting stickers for her chart and calling herself a big girl. Plus, she thinks its great how excited and happy all of us are when she goes in the potty. I am crossing my fingers that it keeps going well :)

Of course I had to get her a cute pink potty. The funny thing is, when she poops she climbs up on the big potty and goes.

We got her some Sesame Street underwear...she LOVES Abby Cadabie.

Her is SO cute and she LOVES the stickers.

***Update on Me****

I have had many of you email and leave posts about how I am feeling. THANKS so much for all your concern, you all are so great. Um, I am still really sick. It seems to be getting worse instead of better for some weird reason. I don't know if it is cause my body is just slowly getting worn out. I have lost 11-pounds so far though, so I dont know what I am gonna do. My Dr. had tried everything he can think of. Zofran rub, dissolving tablets, and regualr pill, phinigrin supositories, Vitamin B and unisom. So I think I just need to stick it out.

I am in my second trimester now, so I should be feeling better. But, I was sick with Kylin for 5-months. I am praying and praying it won't be that long with this one. :) I know I just need to keep having faith and being patient. It is just emotionally and physically draining being REALLY sick for 2-months now. But, there are so many people with far worst problems than me...I keep telling myself that. And it's true, I am VERY blessed. So, thanks again for all your concern and comments....I will for sure be making a post when I start feeling better :)

14 Say What's:

Megan said...

That is so awesome for Ky...and you and Craig! LOL. I still don't think Anna is ready, but I am not really ready either and that plays a huge part. I hope it continues to go well.

Sorry you are feeling cruddy. 11 lbs! Yowza! I have gained more than you have lost ;) I hope they are able to figure out something that helps or that it ends...sooner than 5 months too! Keep us posted.

Chelsie said...

i'm so impressed with how well she is doing! that is awesome! holy cow 11 lbs, i am so sorry that you still feel yuck! i hope it gets better soon, you're one tough momma

Kim said...

Yay! Go Ky! You can do it Kel...You are a strong, determined, and loving woman and mother. I know you can do it!!! Love ya!

That's what we said: said...

Hey we had the same cute pink potty for Lauren and it was what did the trick. Yay no diapers for you (for a while anyway huh?) Hope you feel better soon.

Alison said...

Man, I am so sorry that you are still feeling so crappy! I can't imagine taking care of two little balls of fire on top of that! You da woman! Hopefully Ky's potty training will continue to go well to give you a little bit of a break. I wish I lived closer to you so that I could come and snatch up some extra playmates for Carter!

Hope you feel better soon...

Laura Jex said...

being sick is NO fun! I hope you are doing better soon!

Jaime said...

Yea for Ky! That's fun. I like the potty chart. You poor girl I am so sorry you are still so sick. I really hope things start looking better for you. I'm excited we are due about the same time. I am due Oct 11th.

Erin said...

Oh man, I hope you get feeling better. Their is nothing worse then being sick 24/7! I can not believe you have lost 11 lbs...that is just crazy! Keep us posted :)

Emily said...

Yay! I hope she continues to do well with potty training. I also hope you get feeling better - how awful that you are so sick - you are in our prayers!!

Dana said...

oh that is so exciting :) for her AND for you huh? :P haha good luck, she is seriously a doll! sure hope you get feeling better too kelley! hang in there :)

Brooke said...

That is great that she is doing so well! I totally agree with you with that YOU have to be as ready as they are. People always ask me if Syd was "ready" and I just tell them that she was pretty ready, but mentally I was ready to stick with it. I really do hope you get feeling better. That is sooo crappy!

.quietfeather. said...

Aww, I was hoping you'd start feeling better soon. Still keeping you in my prayers!

I think it's awesome it's going so well with Ky...just think of her being completely potty trained by the time the new baby gets here! (Isn't that fabulous incentive!?) The chart is such a cute way to remind them!

Jenny said...

She is so cute! She seems too little to be potty trained! You will have to tell me all your secrets because I HATE potty training!

Tausha said...

ok-maybe you have tried this, I am not sure. I was sicker than a dog with all of my girls. With one of them, I can't remember which, I know I am pathertic, anyway. They gave me b6 shots. They gave me a bunch of needles and the liquid vitamin and I just did it myself. It helped me. Didn't take it all away, just made it so I could function a little bit more. Maybe you have tried this, if you have. Just ignore me. So sorry. Maybe you will wake up tomorrow and be sick free. I really hope so!!

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