Mckay went in for his surgery today. Without going into all the details, he had to get some things fixed on his "little boy part". They did three different procedures and he was in surgery for about 1 hour 15 minutes. I couldn't sleep AT ALL last night cause I was so nervous.
We went into the hospital at 6:30 am and we kinda explained to him a little bit about putting on a mask and going to sleep for a while, while the Dr. fixed some things. I just didn't want to tell him too much so he would be scared.

So of course in these pictures he looks happy- cause he doesn't quite understand...poor thing. He just knows he gets a sticker when he is done, some surprise presents, and gets to wear a cool mask.
I bawled like a little baby when they took him away from me, It was just really hard seeing your whole world being wheeled away from you, knowing that they are going to be cutting him up and putting him to sleep. It was a REALLY long hour and 1/2, but everything went really well and he even woke up from the anesthetic calmly. He is in some pain right now especially when he goes potty, PLUS I have to pull some things apart after every time and put some medicine on it. So- that doesn't feel very good either. But, he is such a little trooper even though it is a mess down there.
He was crying later today because of the pain, so of course I start crying and have to go in the other room to get a hold of myself. It is just so hard seeing him hurting. It makes me understand the TINIEST little fraction of maybe what our Heavenly Father felt when his Son was in so much pain.
This is a picture of him trying to wake up afterward...I told him for this picture he didn't have to smile. :) Then we gave him a balloon and a new book all about his body. My mom gave him a cute book and a little froggy too.
THANKS SO MUCH to Sheila for spending the night and watching Kylin AND cleaning our ENTIRE house while we were gone! And to my mom for driving ALL the way from Mt Green to be there at the Hospital with us.

This is the sleep over. The kids insisted on sleeping next to Grandma on the air mattress and of course she let them. They have been so excited about this sleep over for a week now, I am surprised they even feel asleep.

18 Say What's:
i am so glad to hear that he is doing so well. let us know if we can do anything to help!
Poor McKay! Hospitals + kids are rough. I was a mess last year when Caleb was admitted for a few days with RSV - and we weren't even dealing with surgery. I'm glad you guys are home and doing well. (Aren't moms just the best?!)
Poor little McKay - that is probably the LEAST fun thing to have surgery on! I am glad he is such a trooper and that he has such fantabulous moms/grandmas in his life - what would we do without them?
oh Kelley! :( i TOTALLY feel for you b/c i had to do that with Kade and it KILLED me :( it's so sad. i sure hope he and YOU are doing better! you're such a sweetie. best of luck! :)
poor thing, let me know if you need anything. hope the healing goes well
Hope he recovers quickly. You have had your fair share of hospitals lately, so I hope you are done for a while...at least until that new little "Howe Bean" joins you. :)
I'm glad everything turned out so well and you had help from your moms. I was so scared to hand Susie over when she went in for her ear (tubes) surgery. Luckily, and totally against her character, she didn't make a peep as they carried her away. It would have broken my heart that much more if she had started crying! I'm sorry you had to go through that. It really is nerve-wracking.
Go McKay! You are a amazing! Things will be better soon! We love you! And Kel - don't worry, you are a mom and allowed to be like that. Even though all my kids have had a ton of transfusions and Kailey with two surgeries now, well, it doesn't get any easier and I feel the same with each one - still. We are allowed! Hang in there!
I am glad that everything went good for your little guy. Poor thing that is never fun having to go through something like that so young.
I would have been crying too when they wheeled him off to surgery.
I hope he continues to get better.
oh girl!!!!...so sorry for him....:(..Glad to hear that everything went fine!:)
Poor little guy. I hope he feels better soon. I'm sorry I can't even imagine the agony you were going through. At least he work up okay from it all.
Hopefully everything is "working" well for McKay. ;) Sorry to hear the zofran dissovling hasn't helped. If I can recall, I didn't get it until the 3rd month. Those smoothie's looked so yummy. I'm going to try it. Sorry random comments. Take care!
Oh one more thing. Have you had any B6 & B12 shots?
hey, ME AGAIN :P check out my blog, i tagged you, yay! :)
That really is so sad! I can't even imagine how hard that would be to watch your baby be in so much pain!
Oh no...so sad. Our little one has to go in for surgery too soon...I wonder if it is for the same thing?! Anyway, email me and we can chat about the monkey :) I don't have a pay pal account so we are doing checks (I will not cash till we ship/deliver :) I did a new post with some new colors, so in a week you can choose from those listed :) They are stinkin' CUTE huh?!
hey girl! I am so sorry you are so sick. I was exactly the same with my first baby. My ninth month was ok but I really thought I was going to die the first 8 months. I ended up losing 20 lbs. And went to get iv's every week.
I can't imagine doing it with 2 kiddos! You are so amazing.
You look way too good in your pics to be throwing up!
I will be praying for you!!
ah i hope he is feelin better!! and you too! i'm not sure if it's the same thing that coop had to go in for, but i felt so bad!!!
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