We gave him his presents right after he had his breakfast..he wanted donuts and hard boiled eggs.

His BIG present was a new parakeet and he was SO EXCITED! It is such a good bird...his name is "peety" I think that is the birds name from "dumb & dumber" hehe. Mckay also go a haircut, which I HATE...but, it will grow right? :)

All morning he played with his new toys and then we went to McDonalds for lunch and headed down to Ogden to meet my sister Kim and her kids at the tree house Museum. They all had such a blast...so many cute pictures I couldn't post them all.

Mckay REALLY loves his Cousin Megan...he calls her his "bestest friend"

After the Treehouse we headed over to my parents house for THE PARTY! He had pizza and a pinate.

All the kids got a turn and then Mckay went again and whacked it till finally....

He busted it open and the kids went crazy for the candy.

Then we did presents...A family tradition we got from the Howe's is "Heavy Heavy hangover" where you hang the present over the persons head and BONK them...then the birthday person has to make a wish for the giver.

Mckay's cake. Usually I make all my birthday cakes and think it is so fun...but, I didn't have the energy this year or think I could stand and lean over a cake for a couple hours. So we bought this one and Mckay LOVED it!

I can't believe that he is 5-years old already...It makes me a little sad to have him so old. This is a hard age cause he has an attitude and is so independent, but GOSH I LOVE THIS LITTLE GUY!

Mckay got a scooter from Mike that Grandpa fixed up for him and he LOVES it!

We decided to have Mckays party at the park as something different and fun...this is my kids favorite park by the Howe's home.

Craig made the best "Chinni" is what the kiddos call it. It was SOOOO good.

Blowing out the cake with a little help from his cousin Bradley.

"Heavy Hangover" from Stacie and Stratton... I think he is a little exited in this picture
I am so exhausted right now and couldn't put a lot of time and effort into his parties...I couldn't even find the energy to throw a "friends" party. But, I think that Mckay had a great birthday anyways. My little boy is getting so big.
Ps. we are in our new 4-bedroom condo...still not unpacked, but we are here and I think I am really going to like it :)

7 Say What's:
Looks like he had a good day. I just wanted to wish you luck with the new little baby piper coming and hope everyhting goes smooth for you. Good luck moving into your new condo. Don't work too hard ha ha.
His cake turned out cute - even if you didn't make it, he loved it and that is all that matters, right?! And don't give yourself a hard time, the kid is only 5 and had 2 birthday parties - you are an awesome mom!
I am glad you are all moved in and that Piper is still baking. Hope you are feeling well.
wow-2 birthday parties and a move-you crazy lady. what a great mom you are. happy birthday Mckay!
Kelley I can't believe your little guy is 5. He is so cute. Even though you didn't have the energy for his parties, I think that they look great. His face says it all. He had a GREAT birthday.
What adorable pictures! Looks like quite the fun-filled birthday and parties. Looked like plenty of fun, presents and cake without the friends party, so meh no worries :)
Glad the move went well- Jed said your place is really nice!
2 parties?! what a lucky little man! i know how you must feel not being able to do more for his birthday, but it looks like he had a blast regardless! you have soooo much going on so i wouldn't think twice about it.
glad to hear that you guys are all moved into your 4 bedroom condo! i pray that piper stays in there a little longer and that you are able to stay comfortable. you're amazing kelley!
Happy, happy birthday Mckay! We miss you guys!
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