Hi ya'll! I have been MIA for a while...in fact I think this is the longest I have gone without posting. January has been such a crazy month- Two birthdays our anniversary and just lots of crazy family stuff going on. I need to play catch-up and get Ky's birthday on here, but before I do that I though I would post a few of my cute little piper....SHE IS EATING CEREAL NOW! Man the time sure does fly by! She is already 4-months old and just so much fun, I just wish I could stop her from growing up and keep her this little and cute forever :)

As you can see, she didn't much like it. hehe. But, we are going to keep trying of course.

7 Say What's:
My days will soon be all about bottles and baby cereal. Don't know if I'm ready yet...
Susie could not keep cereal in her mouth. I stopped using her highchair, laid her on the floor, and let gravity help keep the rice cereal in her mouth. I know it sounds weird, but it was the only thing that worked!
BTW, I'm hoping my next baby has a head of hair. Piper's hair is so adorable! Tyler had good hair. Hopefully #3 does too! (Susie was bald until she was 2...)
babies grow too fast!! love the cereal face pics :)
wow!!! so as early as 4 months you can give them cereal??? I thought it was at 6 months! I'm so going to try it with Diego!
She is so dang cute.. and I just LOVE her hair!
Wow... 4 months already... It still feels like a month or so!! ))))
i cant believe she is already that old! dang kelley, she is so cute! i am so envious of all her hair!
i can't wait till we can start feeding sage cereal as im sure she will sleep longer having more food in her tummy. this sleep deprivation is killing me!
are you still doing those blog headers?! i need help with my blog! i want it to look cute for once...
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