OK- so I know I have been posting like every day, BUT like I have said many times before, this is my journal and I want to remember these things :) Plus, I just can't get enough of taking pictures of this cute little thing. She plays in her jumper now and has a blast...she just sits there and squeals. It is funny though as soon as I pull out my camera she usually gives me this serious face. Very rare when I can get a smile on camera :)
I am going crazy being cooped up inside...I really can't handle winter anymore...I hope you guys are having fun indoors. Tell me how you stay sane!!!??? I have been making lots of trips to the McDonald's play place to get some of the kids energy out :)
7 Say What's:
You sound just like me. I'm going insane too with this yucky weather. And we also make many McDonalds trips, I feel like such a bad mom but there isn't much else to do.
look at her cute wild hair!! she is so cute, i just love all your pictures!
she's an adorable little jumper! i love her hair...looks like it's getting a little lighter, is it? and holy gorgeous eyes.
we've also been hitting up the mcd's and the treehouse lately. i got spring fever yesterday and just wanted to it here NOW.
She is so dang cute. I love her crazy hair. Annabelle was the same way with rolling over. SHe would roll all the way down the hall at our condo to get to her room or whatever she wanted. It was hilarious. Evan could care less. He can roll over, but he is just content doing whatever. Anna was NEVER like that. lol. And I don't mind if you post every day. I like it. I am sick of the winter too. Lots of trips to story time at the library is what we do.
ah i love her sweet little face, she's gorgeous. ah winter, today it was sunny and has made all the difference in our day...we've been baking a lot and lots of trips to grandmas
Piper is a doll....and I love her beautiful blue eyes!!!! She's going to be a heartbreaker someday!
your baby makes me want one. not very many do. She is so beautiful...and I've thought so since the moment you had her. Some babies are just stunning! I want one jsut like her. I am in love with her hair...and her huge eyes.
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