Piper has a Question....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yep, I got my baby's ears pierced! I am the meanest mommy ever :) She only cried for about 30 seconds and has been fine since. I like to get my kids ears pierced early because firstly, IT IS ADORABLE, and secondly it is nice doing it when they are little because cleaning their ears is so easy. Also, Ky loves that her ears are pierced and so I am glad I did her's and that is one reason I decided to do Piper's. Doesn't she look so cute with her new bling!

8 Say What's:

mrs. jar said...

SO cute! Now Gracie and Piper are twins....except that Piper has tons of hair and Gracie has none!!! :) I cannot believe the reactions I have gotten from people since piercing her ears....it is weird! A LOT of people are SO against it, and to them I say, whatever, I am the mom!

Parker and Carly said...

She's so darn cute. I laughed out loud looking at that second picture.

Laura said...

You are so right...she is adorable with her new bling.

Erin said...

OH MY GOSH...you need to get her on TV. She is the CUTEST little thing!!!!! Love the bling :)

PS. I love the look of my new blog :)

BensonFam said...

That child seriously needs to be on the cover of a magazine. And her earings are darling!

Jenny said...

Sooo cute!! You're brave! I was way too whimpy ;)

Amy said...

You definitely don't have to convince me that pierced ears are the cutest thing ever! You know I'm a fan. :) Our next baby is getting it done as soon as it is safe (I think that's 2 months...). The less wiggling while cleaning her ears, the better. She looks adorable! I love it!

Megan said...

She has always looked cute, but that does add something extra. Seriously though. You need to enter that chica into a baby contest. So. Friggin. Cute.

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