The days we had all been waiting for. WAHOO! And they were defiantly worth the wait...we had SUCH a good time :) If you are planning a trip to Disneyland, email me and I will tell you how to get an AMAZING deal on tickets. We got 2-day park hoppers for 1/2 off! It's so easy.

This was the kids FAVORITE ride! The Buzz lightyear one. We rode it about 5x I think! And when we weren't riding it, Mckay was talking about it. hehe.

The driving cars were great....except for the constant whiplash. haha. Mckay isn't getting his drivers license even when he is 16!

I think Craig looks a little scared in this he should be. BAWHAHA!

Of course we had to get them cotton candy!

Last year Mckay was too short for a lot of the big rides, but not this year...he was SO SURPRISED when he found out he was tall enough.

He was excited to go on the Matterhorn....that is until he got off it and I tried to talk him into going with me again. He wouldn't budge :(

This picture cracks me up! Kylin really is trying so hard to get that sword out. hehe.

I had Craig do the teacup ride with the kids because it makes me sick. It was so funny watching them!


We didn't see many characters in Disneyland, but they were EVERYWHERE is Cali adventures. Mckay loved them... but Kylin was shy and hesitant to get pictures with most of them.
I LOVE LOVE this picture of Mckay with Pluto!
This is out little Piper all day. HAPPY AS COULD BE. She seriously was an ANGEL baby and didn't cry the entire trip!

This is the new Toy story ride that they really liked. You wear 3D glasses and shoot targets.

Craig surprized me and got tickets to lunch at "Ariels Grotto" for Ky and I. It was SO WONDERFUL because we didn't have to stand in line for Ky to meet all the princesses and if you know Kylin at all, you know she LOVES PRINCESSES. All the princesses came to our table and sat and talked with Kylin.

I don't know what is up with Ky in all these pictures, but she has her fake smile on and the lighting was AWFUL AWFUL! Oh well still cute though!

I wish I had known she was going to have lunch with the princesses so that I could have brought one of her GAZILLION pretty dresses (her favorite is her Belle dress). I wasn't about to drop $70 bucks like all the other crazy people there and buy her a dress from the gift shop. So I got her a little crown instead.

The food was really good and look at this dessert tray...all of it was edible and AMAZING!

Bug's Life Land

One of the kids favorite parts was the "electric parade" at the end of the day. Really cool!

This was them by the time we left....POOPED!

They wouldn't even budge when we tried to get them in the hotel. Poor Craig :)

Seriously a WONDERFUL 2-days...I tried to limit the pictures. tried.

5 Say What's:
Yeah for Disneyland!!!! I love love love Disneyland and we are going on Sunday. :) I can't wait and it is Emma's first time...she is so excited as well. Just seeing your pictures makes me all giddy. I need to get some info on this good deal you got too.
Haha. This post makes me want to go to DLand SO bad! I wouldn't have dropped 70 bones for a dress either. I think some people just get caught up in the moment. And Ky looks super cute anyway. And is it just me or do those princesses have on GOBS of makeup?
I am so glad you guys had a good time. I love the last pictures of the kids all tuckered out. Awesome :)
looks like a fun time!
Wooooooooow!!!! Totally loved the pictures!!! Sooooooo much fun!!! And that pic of sleeping kids made me laugh ))))) They are adorable!!!
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