Piper is 6-months already!!! I want SO BAD for her to just stay little. This is my favorite stage right now...6 months to 1 1/2 years old. SO much fun cause you see their little personalitys come out and Piper has such a cute one. She is such a good baby, so smiley and happy all the time (unless she just got 4 shots). It is funny, I always say I don't have favorite children, just favorite stages :) Anywho, here are Piper's stats and OF COURSE a few pictures!

ps. just wanted to say thanks for everyone leaving their emails and being so sweet and kind with your comments :)

9 Say What's:
LOVE THEM!! she is so cute! i can't believe she is 6 months already.
Ohhhh! She is such a cute girl! I can't wait to meet her. 6 months came fast!! If you figure out how to slow time down, let me know!!
Time flies and it seems to go faster with each kid. Eek! She is so cute. Please don't tell me you made her dress - I love it!
An absolute doll!!
She is just so gorgeous. You have the most beautiful children.
SUCH a cutie :) I can't believe she's six months!
Hey there! You dont know me, but I was blog hopping and came across your blog from a friend of a friends blog haha. Anyway, I love your site, love your creative style and love your pictures. I am a photographer as well. I just love how all your pictures are so bright and colorful! Anyway, I love getting know other photographers around the valley! Keep up the fabulous photography! :)
your kids are so beautiful!! I have to ask if you made their matching Easter clothes. You are so talented.! I want to keep seeing your blog so my email is sarsmith7782@yahoo.com
she is a cutie for sure! love the page too!
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