Thing around here have been pretty tense lately and I have not been in a great mood for about a week straight. I will explain. Craig started a new job and is commuting 3 hours a day to Salt Lake....that is not going to work. So of course we are going to be doing my favorite thing...MOVING!!! So- if you know me, you know there is nothing I HATE more than moving. We are going to be renting out someones house till it sells...so who knows how long that will be. It is not my ideal situation, but it will work till Craig gets done with school. Someday, I will have my own house again....hopefully someday soon :)
So, I am going to try not to take my stress out on my kids and just be happy. Because I have realized that being happy is a choice, not something that just happens by chance. Either I can be angry and poopy about the situation or be happy and find some blessing and opportunity in it....So here's to my happy wonderful day!

11 Say What's:
Good for you - I loved this post. I am going to CHOOSE to be happy today too. Love ya...can't wait for next week!
ch-ch-ch-changes! WOW. I'm with you. I HATE moving. But how awesome are you to have a positive attitude. (Especially for your kidlets.) Good luck with the move, new job and new place. I'll be sending "smooth move" thoughts your way! Love you.
Oh yuck! I would have a hard time not feeling grumpy too. Good luck with everthing!!
I feel the same way about moving! It's always a big adjustment but you have the right attitude! I just love reading your blog and seeing pics of your cute family and all your great ideas. LOVE your happy picture wall! Good luck with everything!
Good luck! I'm sure it will be nice to have Craig around a little longer with a shorter commute. You are amazing Kelley, I love your positivity!
WHAT?! Just make up your mind already. Kidding. I just feel so bad for you for having to move with kiddos and babies. But at least you aren't prego this time, right?! AND you will be closer to me. Yay! Hopefully we can play when things have calmed down for you. Good luck with the move...and the happy attitude. That is something I definitely need to remember, and I am not even moving ;)
Thanks for your post. You are awesome. Good luck.
Great post! Let me know what I can do. Love ya...
Thanks for your post. You are awesome. Good luck.
We made the move from Ogden to SLC over 2 years ago, and we don't regret it one bit! I understand your frustration with commuting! I hope the move goes smoothly for you guys! I know we don't know each other, but Craig and I went to HS, and so if you need anything, please shoot me an email. I'm in the Holladay area {Highland & 45th S}
Good luck!
wow! another move huh!? I know how you feel - Jon and I have moved AT LEAST once a year since we have been married- so in four years we have done a lot of moving! We just moved into a townhouse Tuesday. It's in Layton, and we too are renting it until it sells, or we happen to buy something. I will be so glad when we are settled somewhere for a while! :0) Are you guys moving to SLC? It's an adventure!
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