I am sure some of you have seen this video before, but It was part of our lesson today at Church and the spirit hit me so strong today watching it....I love Jesus SO much. Just watching it right now again makes me cry. I want to be like him so badly and he makes me want to be a better wife, mother and person. I wanted to share this video with all of you. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday :)

4 Say What's:
amazing. that is my all-time favorites song too. thanks for posting this.
Want to hear something cool. Than angel pictures from this video were taken in the production studio where Jon worked while we lived in AZ - the actually had a picture hanging up of one of the girls who was jumping on the trampoline posing - before it was photoshopped and all that. Those pics are great- my mom has the dvd, cd, and all that- she loves them.
thanks for sharing..love it.
Wow! Incredible Spirit.
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