Mckay's birthday was quite the event around here because we celebrated it for 4-days! Craig was gone for his actual birthday, but I still did some fun stuff with Mckay. He had breakfast in bed and then headed off to school.

At school he had a special spotlight on him and everyone told him what they liked about him and wrote it on a crown (which he loved and wore all day) and I brought brownies for his whole class. He is officially the oldest in his class which is GREAT. Then I took him to the park to let him ride his birthday present!!! Only $10 people at the find EVER! It just needed a new battery. The exact same tractor is $280 at walmart. Score :)

So they had Wendy's and played at the park for a couple hours. That Tractor has enough power to pull Kylin and still go pretty fast!

On Saturday we did a Friends Mario Party. He LOVES Mario right now. Kinda tuff to find decorations for it, but I tried to be creative. Any one who knows me, knows that I love to throw parties :) He had a BLAST, so it made all the work so worth it.

I punched out over a hundred stars and drew little eyes on them to sprinkle on the tables.
I made cupcakes with little mario toppers, so they could each pick a character.

My friend Elaine made Mckay and her son these cute Mario hats. He LOVED it.

Then they had some Papa Murphys's Pizza

On Sunday we went to the howe's and had a party there for him and has a blast!

Those are Mr. Potato head feet and a frosted cupcake on top.

ps. we were going to have a party with my family, but there were complications and so it is postponed :)
8 Say What's:
wow, 4 days of partying sounds like fun! the party and cupcakes and such all turned out super cute. i heart mario :)
nice score on the tractor!
Oh that post made me tired! (But holy cow what an awesome party theme! I loved Mario as a kid. Hopefully in a few years Caleb will like him too and then I can borrow all of your fabulous ideas...) :)
Happy Birthday to McKay! How fun! The Mario party looks super cute. great job super mom :) So was the Mario party at your house?
What a fun birthday he had. You did a great job decorating everything.
First off...That tractor was $10 bucks?! WOW, that is the find of the year!! Seriously!!!!
Second...I think you love planning parties as much as I do :) You really did such a good job and thought of every little detail!
Third...those little kiddos are lucky to have such a fun and creative mom!
Okay Kelly. You can stop with your awesomeness anytime now. That party is so stinkin cute! And the price on that tractor is INSANELY awesome! Go you! I love the last picture - too cute!
happy birthday little man! i love the party cute and he looks like he was in heaven...oh doing parties for little kids is so much fun!
wow-there you go showing off your amazingness again. your kids are so lucky to have you as their mom. awesome tractor. how much was the battery for it?
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