A day that makes it all worth it...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I have been working A LOT lately, between photography and blog design I feel like there is no extra time. So, yesterday I decided to make it "NO WORK DAY" and just spend time with my kids doing whatever silly things they wanted to do. Here are just a few so I can remember:

We had a rousing game of me shooting darts at them, and them running away. It lasted about 45-minutes....I actually really enjoyed this game. hehe.

We made some spritz cookies, which if you have never made they are TONS of fun. I made them all the time growing up and my kids had a blast with them.

We went to Carl'r Jr for lunch and played at the playground.

We did tummy farts till our "designated" tummy got mad

We read about 20 different stories

Jumped on the bed

Snuggled and watched Ice Age, the Dino one.

And we ended the day by going to their favorite restaurant...Olive Garden :)

I wish I had more days like those just to relax and goof off with my kids with no place to go and nothing to do. But, today is back to proofing my photography sessions and designing blogs. I am already behind now...but that sweet day was worth it and makes all the other days of hard parenting worth it for a day of fun kid bliss :)

Here are some picture of the kiddos making the cookies...

Cracking the eggs is Kylin's favorite part

Mckay is so precise about everything he does...cracks me up. Hope he doesn't turn into a perfectionist like his mama.

Look how hard she is trying to press that with one hand...cracks me up! She finally gave in and did it with 2 hands.

Then they sprinkled sugar on top of them...A LOT of sugar.

And of course you can't make cookies without watching them bake. :) I LOVE these little people!

4 Say What's:

Sarah loves it all said...

I love this idea! Sometimes I feel like even when I'm home I'm not "home" so this is such a perfect example of a way to give our kids the love and attention that they need. Thank you for sharing!

BensonFam said...

What a fun day - you definitely deserve it! Can I have your cookie recipe? And where on earth did you find that cookie squirting contraption?

Megan said...

I want a day like that ;) Maybe it was just all the good food. lol.

Elaine said...

what an adorable pic of them watching the oven I love it when they do that you do have adorable kids love them!

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