Recently I had a little medical scare. I found a lump in my breast the doctors were really concerned about because it was not just a cyst, which is pretty alarming considering how young I am. SO, I had some tests done and a painful biopsy. The results came back telling me I need to get the mass removed, but all is well for right now and no cancer. But, it really got me thinking about what is really important in my life and what if I was sick.....
I usually am a grateful person, but I have been complaining A LOT lately about our small house and having to pay so much for Craig's school and this and that. All the petty material things. I get so caught up in worrying about things that really dont matter and I am forgetting to enjoy all these other things. Like, my house is a complete disaster everyday no matter how much I clean in, because it is small, but at least my kids are playing and are full of energy and like to be home. They are very demanding little things and want my attention every second of every day, and sometimes I think when is it "my" time, but I need to be grateful that they need me because it is not going to be that way forever... and I really am gonna miss it. I need to tell my husband more how grateful I am for him and taking care of our family, he is such a wonderful person....and my best friend. I am so so thankful for this knowledge and relationship I have with my Heavenly Father and for the plan of happiness...the plan that I get to be with all these people I love forever.
This whole "lump thing" got me thinking about what would people say about me if it was my time to go. I want to be a better person, be happier, be the kind of mommy that I want my kids to remember and think is amazing. Not the nagging, crabby and demanding person I have been lately. I want them to know how special they are and I need to treat them that way always.
Craig's grandpa died yesterday and I didn't know him as well as I would have liked to, but I can tell what an amazing man he was because of how he raised his children. He left behind a legacy of love and faith and 5 wonderful children who have all raised amazing children of their own. That is the kind of life I want to live....and legacy I want to leave behind someday.
I am sorry to make this a novel...if you are still reading this :) I just am so thankful right now for my many blessings that I feel so unworthy of sometimes. I hope this Holiday we can all be so thankful for what we have been given and remember the things that are really important.
4 Say What's:
Scary. I am glad you are okay. I am also thankful I know you Kelley. You pretty much rock as a person. This post was great...something I definitely needed to be reminded of!
I hope everything turns out okay for you. I bet that would be a scary thing. I KNOW I complain way too much. This has been a HARD year for us and I bet if I were more grateful and less crabby about it ...the year might have gone a little smoother. You are a fabulous person! ps. sorry about bailing out on pictures. trust me, im so mad that we had to leave early! (haha there I go complaining again!) we will see you in December...and we WONT BACK OUT! cant wait!
Thank your for reminding me to be thankful for the simple things in life. ((hugs))
Glad things look ok with your lump. I work in a breast cancer diagnostic center (it's my "boob" job) and hate to see when those little scares arise. Sure sets you straight though huh? Take care and enjoy your holidays.
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