Baby Animal Days...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

We lived in Logan for 3 years and never made it to "Baby Animal Days". We sure were missing out! It snowed and was a little cold, but the kids LOVED it! It was so much fun for them to be able to pet and hold all the baby animals. Especially Piper was  in heaven. If you all know anything about her, you know she is obsessed with animals!

 You cant tell from this picture how excited she was to be riding this horse, but she kept neighing and making horsey noises at it and couldn't stop petting him!

 The bunnies were the highlight of the day. We came home with the sweetest black and white bunny we named Oreo. He is the best bunny, and if you look at "instagram" you know that ky carries him around everywhere like a doll.

 They are actually really good bull riders and always surprise everyone.

2 Say What's:

Emily said...

Want to hear something funny? The guy running the bull is my brother in law. AND we love baby animal days too!!

Stacie said...

Love those babies!

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