
Friday, June 8, 2012

Told you I was behind. Haha! Yes, I am finally posting Easter. It was a little different this year for us because my entire family (except Janna) has all moved and Craig's parents were gone trying to find a house in Arizona. And now they have moved away too :( Thank goodness Stacie & Stratton and the Kroger family still live in Utah and we were able to spend it will them and at S&S new house. It has really hit me these past 2 months how incredibly important family is. I love them all so much! I always took for granted that everyone in both our families lived within an hour of us for almost 10 years. Now, my parents and Jake are in W. Virginia, my Sis Kim's family  is in Georgia, My sis Shan is in Hawaii,  My little Bro. Joe is in Japan, and my older Bro. Jon is in Afghanistan. And now the Howe's are in Arizona.  And now we are moving to Texas. I am so sad and always dreamed of my kids growing up with their cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. I need to be better at posting on our blog, writing letters and calling. All things I seem to bad at. haha. But I think it will be so important to stay close as a family even though we all live so far away. I need to be better at keeping in touch....Ok- I am done with my little tangent now :) Here is Easter.

More posts coming soon...I'm on a roll!

2 Say What's:

Heather said...

Kind of crazy how in a matter of months all of you ended up living in different states!

Brittney Wimmer said...

Glad to see you posting again! Great pics! Looks like you guys had a blast in Cali!

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