Saturday, November 24, 2012

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! This was our first year with no family around and just the 5 of us. It was crazy cooking and baking everything. Usually I am in charge of potatoes or rolls. This year was a lot more work. haha. But, it turned out great and it was nice sharing it with my little family. We sat around the table and talked about all the wonderful things we are thankful for, and I think one of the things I am most thankful for right now is the opportunity to stay home and raise my kids. It is such a blessing to see them grow up and be here for every minute of it and hopefully steer them in the right direction. I'm so blessed to have Craig who works hard for our family so that I can do that. It is REALLY hard sometimes ..but I wouldn't change it. I have SO MANY things to be thankful for, and I hope I can remember that even when things are hard.

Here is our little feast...I didn't take many pictures, but here is a few.

Just simple table decorations. I put kraft paper down so that the kids could color and draw the things they were thankful for on it. And I wrote each of our names by our plates.

The pears say "I'm Thankful for You"

Kylin loves baking as much as her mama. She wanted to help with everything.

Normally I don't like turkey and I just eat all the carbs! But, Craig made the juiciest best turkey I have ever had and so I ate a couple pieces!

 Hope you all had a Happy Thanksiving! Now on to Christmas....I'M NOT READY!

4 Say What's:

Heather said...

You put me to shame with all you manage to do!! Looks great. Glad you had a helper :0)

Kim said...

Looks like Ky was is thankful for her mama...looked perfect kel! missed ya though!

Stacie said...

Seriously gives me goosebumps! Beautiful spread! Beautiful family! Beautiful memories!!! What a nostalgic Thanksgiving. (Love your table too; did you get a new one??)

Megan said...

Martha? Is that you?! Seriously. You amaze me. So cute, fun and simple. I loves it!

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