Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our poor little Mckay is usually the only boy in this house. Daddy is at work and his 2 sisters usually get their pick in the activities for the day unless I intervene. They are VERY persuasive and Mckay is a softie for them most the time. He is such a good big brother and they adore him. I am not saying they never fight because they do. A lot.  Kylin gets mad when Mckay wants to do boy stuff and play video games and gets a little rough. I am sure it is hard for him living with a bunch of girls. Well today they talked him into painting their fingernails AND toes. It was the cutest thing ever. Poor guy....hope he gets some little guy friends soon that he can do boy stuff with and that his sisters and I wont make him turn out too sensitive and girly.

4 Say What's:

Amy said...

It's opposite in our house... Tyler always whines and begs Susie to play Legos, basketball, or Lego Batman video games. She usually caves and drops her Barbies fairly quickly. I'm afraid he's turning her into a tom boy. Oh well. I'm sure everyone will be perfectly fine when they are older. :) Great paint job, by the way!

Alarie said...

adorable! i love his little tongue out in concentration...

Unknown said...

Aww, he reminds me SO much of my Kade! Too bad we don't live closer & could have them play together!! He is one awesome big brother, Kelley :) And what a bunch of lookers you have! Such cuties!!

Stacie said...

what a good big brother! He is such a good sport!
...miss you guys, and can't wait to hear about your trip!

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