Mckay is now a wolf in Cub Scouts, so he was able to go to the 4-day scout camp in San Antonio! I of course, came along since I am the Den Leader :) It was a lot of fun seeing Mckay try lots of new things and seeing him having so much fun with all his friends.
There were different "stations" we got to move around to each day. They did BB gun shooting, archery, fishing, swimming, sports, and crafts. I just wish it wasn't 100 degrees outside! I don't think I have ever been more sweaty and yucky in my life. I had to make sure that the boys kept drinking so that they didn't get dehydrated!
I actually am really starting to enjoy being a Den leader and loving my boys. It makes all the work and time so worth it.
Mckay's favorite thing was crafts and building things.
This was his first time shooting a bow, and by the end of the week he was a pro :) Look how much better his form is by day #4!
Shooting a gun was the same story, he had no clue what he was doing, but by the end he was hitting the target and almost on the bulls-eye.
He ended up being one of the best shots.
They also got to go to some pretty cool wildlife classes, even I learned things.
And got to participate in some pretty cool sports that I had never heard of before.
There was also a big wooden boat that the boys could stand on and go fishing. Mckay was the only one who caught something...probably cause his mama knows how to fish and might have helped :)
Mckay's other favorite activity was of course, swimming. They had a pretty big swimming pool with a diving board and fountains to play in.
And more building... I love the look on his face when he is deep in concentration. He is in "The zone"
It was a fun 4-days, and I am so glad I got to see Mckay go and have fun and learn. I'm grateful that my little man still wants his mama around. I am also learning to be grateful for the scout program and defiantly see the purpose in it!
Water fun with Jenny
9 years ago
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