Things are going pretty well in Logan so far, we are SLOWLY getting moved in. I am one of those people that has to get out of the house a lot and do something or I go CRAZY! It is the yellow personality in me....I can't handle the same ol' thing every day. So, here are a few things going on with us this past week.

We went to our first Aggie game....the Hockey's Utah State vs. BYU game. And let me just say...we CREAMED them! 10-2 and LOTS of fights all game. I loved it. It was so weird being back to my school but this time with kids. We were defiantly the minority there...I think I saw only 2 other couples with ONE kid. So, people kept looking at us and laughing at our kids. Also, were girls THAT beautiful when I went there!?? Freak, I was surrounded by so many beautiful put together people. I felt so frumpy, out of style and OLD! hehe. But, it was LOTS of fun and my kids were SOOOO cute, they kept cheering "GO AGGIES!"

And can i just say GIRLS ARE FREAKIN MOODY! I don't know if it is a girl thing or just Kylin, but Mckay was NEVER like this. She will freak out about something (I can't even figure out what it is and I am sure she doesn't even know) and then the next minute she is so happy and laughing. At the hockey game she scream uncontrollably for about 15 minutes so we had to take her out and move seats. Then the next minute she was happy and flirting with all the boys around her. Is anyone else's kids like this....I cannot handle her and her moods right now!
Low Carb Diet. Craig and I have been on the low carb diet since New Year's day, and let me tell you it has been way
TUFF to not have the sweets and no more than 20 carbs a day. But, TOTALLY worth is so far. I have lost 5 pounds already :) I only have 10 more to go!
Sledding this year was GREAT! The kids really had a fun time and were totally FEARLESS. Especially Kylin. She wanted to go down the hill by herself and a couple times she biffed it and fell out, so and I would run to her so worried and there was always a big smile on her face and she would say, "do again mommy!"
Privilege Chart. Lastly, my friend Amy made this really cool chart for her son called a "Privilege Chart" I thought it was a GREAT idea so I made one for Mckay and it is now on our fridge. And, it is working pretty great I have to say! If you want instructions,
HERE is the link to her blog. Thanks Amy for the great idea :)
ps. I am not a mean mommy....he did have lots more "privileges" on there, he just lost them through the day :)
pss. I have had about 5 of you ask me about my blog templates I use. I actually design them all myself. I purchase some of the pictures and alpha for my scrapbook pages. If you want to know the stores I go to, check out my
SCRAPBOOK BLOG. I had to mess around A LOT with the html code to get the pictures in the center to be big, so if you want that, then I will send you my code. But, let me warn you it will erase all your links and stuff when you do a new format. Also, I TOTALLY will design a blog header for you if you want me to :) I think it is super fun!
15 Say What's:
I so LOVE the privilege chart. thank you so much for the idea to use for Trey. I hope all is well in Logan. glad those Aggies beat BYU in hockey!!!
Love the Aggies and their newest cheerleaders! Haha. Ross and I want to head up sometime for a basketball game. If we do we should meet up and hang out. I want to get Anna a little cheerleader outfit - is that weirdo of me?! And by the way, I don't know if it is 'all' girls, but Anna is totally like Kylin. I think I have told her doctor several times I think she is bi polar and he just laughs at me. Whatever!
My girls are way more moody than my boy is. And it doesn't go away the drama just changes form. sorry. Oh I don't understand why you and craig think you need to lose any weight at all.
So fun! (I miss Logan...) And yes - my daughter is totally like that. The only difference is that she's five and has the mouth of a teenager so it's extra fun! (And easier to lose my cool because I know that she knows better.) Anyway - love the pic of you guys sledding - very cute. And glad to hear you're doing well in Logan and having fun.
The Hockey games are the best! That is where I met Nate so I will always be a fan of Aggie Hockey games, plus they are a lot of fun!
Hey Kelley! Why the heck are you on a diet? You are super skinny as it is! I cant be hypocritical, though. I have a personal trainer at golds gym. I havent done that great yet, considering christmas, but I WILL! we will be all skinny together :)
Anyway, GREAT IDEA for the priveledge chart. Im definately going to have to keep that one in mind. If you have time, I wouldnt mind having a cute header for my blog! I cant seem to make mine work that great! let me know. its not a big deal either way.
talk to you later!
Glad you guys are having some fun up there in Logan. I know what you are talking about girls being so moody. I love my daughter to death but I do not want another girl cause I don't think I could handle it. I also love the privilege chart. I just might have to make one of those.
good ole aggies. steve misses usu! although when he was going there, we only went to 2 games! we are so lame...we arent big on sports so we stay at home most of the time.
and youre on a diet?! WHY?! you look fabulous! i wouldnt be losing any weight if i looked like you!
man, that chart is a great idea. thats something i will definately make once brynn is a little older. and man, i can totally relate with the tantrums! there are some days i just want to run away from her! its a good thing steve is more patient then i am.
i may ask you later to help me with my page. im completely clueless and have accidentally erased one of our blogs (thats why we started over) dt trying to add a cute layout code!
Kelley--Me first please! I love you headers and creativity. I will never be able to figure it call me when you get a second. I am hiring you to design me a 3 column blog....with the pics in he middle HUGE:)
I'm me as soon as you get a minute. I would love to learn how. How do you feel about coming to Brigham for a play date/blog lesson?
agreed with megan, we want to come up to a basketball game sometime too. they look so cute in their aggie gear.
Kelley- you are so talented! And always are doing fun stuff with your blog, photography, kids, etc!!! I love it! I always get fun ideas from you! Thanks! Maybe someday we'll live close enough to do some of these fun things together!
Looks like you have been having some fun up in Logan so far! You are always up to something fun (I love reading your blog!)
ps. I would LOVE to know how you make you pictures larger! Let me know if you have time! Thanks Kellie!!
You have a really cute blog. I found it through Irenes. Cute pictures, projects, and everything in between!
oh kelley.... :) i always get inspired looking at your blog :P (and that is NOT an easy task, let me tell ya :P) you are such a good mom! i love your "adventures", i agree that being housebound is horrible, and i think your kids take the cake with cuteness! i'm so glad to hear you are settling in :) looks like fun times :)
jon is jealous of your 50 mm lens. he's been dying to get one.
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