I had my first Dr. apt today. Seems weird it is my first because I feel like I should be like 20 weeks or something by now. Every day goes by so slowly that it already seems like I have been pregnant FOREVER. I REALLY really like Dr Kirkman, and I think he is gonna be a great Dr. for my high risk pregnancies. Plus, he gave me some other medicine to try to see if he can help me with my sickness. We will see....I will try about anything :) Even these rectal suppositories he gave me. BLAH.

But, all things aside-it makes me feel better to see this little baby inside me and know that I am going through all of this for a little person... whom I know I am just gonna love to pieces. I got a blessing from Craig and my Father-in-law, and I know that Heavenly Father is glad we are bringing this little spirit into the world and that I am gonna get through this.
My next apt. I am gonna start getting shots EVERY week in my hip to try and help me not have this baby early...gonna SUCK. But, I really wanna try to have a healthy full-term baby this time. What we do for our kids I tell ya. :)
I know I haven't been blogging much lately, just been sick and there hasn't been much to write about. I am kinda putting it on the back burner for a bit and am just in survival mode right now. I know the last few posts have been boring and just about me being BLAH and sick...I'm sorry. I will start to be more interesting soon I hope. Thanks for all your kind words and help :)
15 Say What's:
i don't think any post is blah and boring- life is not boring! that is a good ultrasound for a 10 week one - already looks like a little baby and not so much a bean :0) how early do your babies come? Rowan was late - 4 days. get feeling better - and post about whatever you want, if people don't like it then they can take a hike right?!
you are one tough cookie....I've been there in survival mode. Hang in there.
Wow!hang on in there girl!!:)...and your baby looks cute already:)
Loved the picture - so cute. I love when you can start to see the arms and hands and what not. I hope that this works and you start feeling better and that things go well this time around. You are one tough momma! I think it is survival mode from the day you are pregnant to their first birthday! LOL.
man, im sorry you have to start getting shots in yout hip! i had no idea that your pregnancies were high risk! im so sorry.
and lol! rectal suppositories!? you poor thing! but hey, whatever works right?!
You will really like Dr. Kirkman. I go to Fower's in the same office. They are great. If you ever need help with the kids come drop them off no problem.
The things us women go through for our children and husbands : ) At the end though it is all worth it. I hope you get feeling better and that your pregnancy goes good.
Good luck!!
Like you said...the reward is great! Sometime it is unbelievable the things us mothers do to get these little babies here from heaven! Hang in their! I hope you get feeling better soon!
I feel for you! I hated morning sickness AND preterm labor. (Did that three out of four and would never want to do that again!) It's great to see your sweet little one, even if it is a bean :]
i hope the shots help! i'm so sorry!! you're such a cute mom though, heavenly father just wants to bless you with as many little kidlets possible! i hope you get feelin better
I love the ultrasound pic! So cute! I think about you all the time! I hope you start feeling better soon. And, I hope all the shots in your hips pay off! I love you!!
Hang in there! Cute little tadpole! Can't wait to find out if the little dear has three legs or just two. LOL! Hope the shots work for ya this time. Love you!
I know it really does feel like we're sick forever. I hate it! I'm glad you like your new Dr. That really makes a huge difference. I hope you get feeling better really soon. :)
Hang in there! That sucks!
i feel like a JERK! you are PREGNANT!?? YAY! i didn't even know... :( i'm horrible :( congrats though! and i sure hope you feel better! that is hard :( but you are awesome girl! hang in there!
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