But- I though I would at least make a post, and let you all know what we here at the Howe's have been up to....not a whole lot. hehe.
March Madness:
I LOVE watching college basketball and every year we compete against my sister and her hubby. It has been lots of fun, but now that Lousville it out I have no chance of winning! Here are a couple pictures of the kids watching the Aggie game. We got them all dressed up for it and they though it was pretty fun. I was SOOO sad my Aggies lost...ONLY 1 POINT! agghh. Mckay said while we were watching the game, "Mommy you are way too loud!". hehe. The kids love cheering, "GO AGGIES!"
I have also realized this past month, that when my kids are bored, they get into SOOO much trouble. And, they have been really bored lately. The other day they decided to climb behind the couch and dump a cup of day old apple juice down the blinds and into the window sill. Got EVERYWHERE and it stunk and got my dry clean only curtains all wet and smelly. It is just crazy because I know Mckay knows better than that.
Then the next day they were suppose to be taking a nap and instead decided to open the huge tub of Desitine and wiped it EVERYWHERE in their room....EVERYWHERE! I went in there saw it and closed the door before I beat their little butts. Then I went in the other room, bawled, and had a complete melt down. It is hard being sick and taking care of two VERY active kids.
So after about 15-minutes I calmed down and got the idea that they just need more activities. I have had a "Fun Jar" for quite a while now, but it is mostly outdoor activities- So I decided to create an "Indoor Activities" jar, since I think we might be inside for a while yet.

- Make collages of the different letters of the alphabet
- Paint
- Trace hands and feet, cut them out and decorate walls
- Make necklaces from cereal
- Make puppets- do a puppet show
- Practice letters by playing musical letters with prizes
- Make cookies
- Macaroni necklaces
- Make pillow cases- let them decorate the fabric
- Paper airplanes
- Make books- sew the sides to bind them
- Snuggle in bed with LOTS of books
- Make a BIG piece of art and frame it in the playroom
- Make flowers and put them in a vase
- Read the friend and do the activities
- Plant flowers
- Make parachute army men
- Make some place mats and decorate them
- Bowling with water bottles
- Make a house out of a cardboard box and decorate
- Write letters to grandma and mail them
- Make musical instruments
- Go on a nature walk and collect things to put in jars
- Go to the library

9 Say What's:
I just found this awesome book I've tucked away for the last couple of years. It's from FamilyFun magazine and it's a book of "Boredom Busters". It has so many fun crafts and science experiments using stuff from around the house. We're gonna use it tons this summer when Tyler is home from school. If you're looking for stuff to do--don't know if you're really feeling so horrible that you can't do anything much--it is full of great ideas. I could scan some pages and email them to you. Sorry you're so sick. I really wish I lived near you so I could help out.
Aww Kelley I sure hope this gets better soon :[
We did file folder games a lot...I have a book, if you'd like to send me an email with your address, I'd be more than happy to pass it on. It was given to me while we lived in Idaho by a homeschooler who lived next door. We also did states while the kids were really small, and our youngest can STILL tell them apart by sight. (He learned that when he was learning to read at about 2 or so.)
The photos are so cute! All dressed in blue for the Aggies, too much fun!
I do hope you start feeling better soon!
Make bean bags (there are a MILLION AND ONE games you can play with beanbags. Let them help stuff in the beans before you sew up the last seam.) Give them wet sponges and let them wipe down the low kitchen cupboards and appliances - for some reason kids think this is great fun and don't realize that they are kind of helping you clean. Make a giant puzzle out of a fun poster or enlarged photos - just cut into big fun shapes and then use clear shelf paper to cover it (basically it's do it yourself cheap laminating.) Good luck Kel!! I hope you start feeling better soon!!!
hey kelley! thanks for the inside ideas! :P i needed that :P you are so fun :) i'm hoping you are okay with the preggo stuff... your kiddos are cute as ever :) and *yeah...stupid one point loss on the aggies... :( so sad!
Your list is much better than mine! LOL. Wish I could add more to it, Anna could read books all day so that is what we do a lot. But it gets old and fast. I was just telling Ross this morning when I woke up to the snow that it just makes me so mad cause it is so nice to just hang out at the park for an hour! Boo!
I am sorry you are still filling icky. I hope it ends soon for you. The Aggie pics are so cute. We got dressed up too and Ross came home from work to watch it. Such a sad, sad game!
Okay, I kind of love your blog! Cute ideas and CUTE CUTE pictures! Thanks for adding me to your "clicks" list! Much appreciated! Have a great day!
well, i definately don't have any more ideas than you had to combat boredom. my kids are so ready to play outside.
let me know if you want me to come get the kids one day and bring them to my house to play for a couple of hours-SERIOUSLY!
I totally know how you're feeling right now! :[ I'm so sorry! Kids can be so naughty! My daughter ran outside to find her dad while I was pregnant. She ran 2 streets away. Not good. Thanks to some neighbors they brought her back. I felt like such a bad mom; sick in my bed & couldn't get out. I was sick not knowing where she was. And a nice little visit from an officer sealed the deal to finally dead bolting the front door & put a adjustable bar on our sliding door, so she'd be locked in. NAUGHTY GIRL......SICK BAD MOMMY!
Hope things get better fast. When do you find out what you're having? :)
I really hope you feel better soon, that would suck! I wish I had some fun ideas for you, I have been doing toddler yoga with Syd, she loves it and its easy for both them and you. There is a link on my blog if you want (it just takes you to parents magazine and you do it at your house).
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