I have 3 VERY sick little kiddos and past week has just been so awful trying to take care of them and seeing how miserable they are :( Kylin and Piper are on antibiotics, but I wish there was more I could do. This is what our house has looked like this week..

I just got back from Now Care at 8 p.m at night because Piper's cough got so bad she was throwing up. They had to take an X-ray of her chest to make sure she was ok. She does have RSV, but there is not a whole lot they can do about that :(

My poor little Ky is just miserable! I don't think she has ever been this sick before. Her and Piper on are Antibiotics for their eyes.

And to top it all off Mckay was throwing up for a little bit and just EXHAUSTED! I am trying to take care of them when I haven't been feeling super great either...that is what the energy drink is for. hehe. Not that it works super great because I am dead tired. So that is our wonderful week here :)

14 Say What's:
Oh man Kelley! Poor you and poor kiddos! If I was closer, I'd bring you over some soup....in a hazmat suit ;)
Get feeling better!
OH MY GOODNESS! Those are the most pitiful little things I've ever seen. I'm so sorry! Get better SOON!
Not like we ever see you, but we will definitely stay away. Your house sounds awful! I'm so sorry. You must be exhausted. Taking care of sick kids and babies has got to be one of the hardest things about being a mommy. I really hope you all start feeling better soon. That pink eye should clear up fast with eye drops. When Tyler had it, it was clear within a day or two of getting the drops...but we also caught it really early. I'll be thinking of you lots and praying for a fast recovery. Especially for Piper with RSV. I love you!
oh my WORD!!! you're poor family!! gosh i just got over pink eye, but i feel so bad when it's in kids!! YUCK!! good luck and hope everyone gets well soon!!
I sooooooo here you on this one! Rowan is sick right now, and I woke up sick this morning! Ahhhhh. Really, when do moms get a friggin sick day!? Good luck with 3 sick kids - I only have one and I wondered a million times today, "Is it bedtime yet???"
And those recommendations are for you...though the Gatorade and a multi-vitamin for the kids would probably be good too.
I have never seen Ky like that! I am so sorry and of course I can't help you - AT ALL! We are battling our own sicknesses here, but I especially don't want all those germs. Bree has RSV too - not much they can do for it. Hope you all feel better...drink lots of water. I swear by vit D, that stuff Airborne and Gatorade to replace those electrolytes...I promise it really all does help...try it! I love you tons!!! Hang in there!!!
Oh Kelley, that is no fun for you & the kids. I hope everyone gets feeling better real soon!!
Aw man that pink eye is the worst. Funny enough we just ended our bout with it down here!! Here's to a speedy recovery!!
PS LOVED Kylin's dollhouse...can I come play??:)
When will the Winter leave and take all of it's sickness with it?! So lame. I am sorry that you guys are all sick. And being a mom, well, you just don't get a break, huh? Evan has RSV a while ago and it sucked, but it wasn't as bad as it sounds for Piper. I hope they all get feeling better soon and you can get some much needed rest!
SAD! :( I sure hope you're little family feels better soon!!
Oh man I am sooooo sorry for your sick house. I have never commented before on your blog but I thought you needed some encouraging. Having three little ones must be hard to juggle and then to have them all be sick I can't imagine. You seem to always look at the bright side and I think that is why I like looking at your blog. I can't even remember how I found it but I am glad I did.
My two girls and I just got over almost the same thing minus the pink eye. The girls seemed to get over it quick but it lasted two weeks for me. Youch!
So glad you are not sick so that you can spend all of your time just cuddling and loving on those adorable kids.
You seem like you are just the best mom. Keep up the great work and I will pray for a quick recovery for you little ones.
Oh my goodnes your poor little kiddos and you. :( Sweet little Kylin looks miserable. I hope your kiddos get better real soon.
whaaaaaat??? wow girl...sorry!!! I can't imagine....:)
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