Day #3

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BLAH BLAH and more BLAH! This "you being gone thing" is getting really old fast. Today was just one of the days where I wanted to sit be lazy and do nothing and eat. But, I have TONS of work to get caught up on, so again I edited pictures and thank goodness we have no food :). Then I needed a break from editing so I made Mckay's birthday invites and printed them off, cleaned the whole back 3 rooms of the house SPOTLESS minus laundry of course...I even cleaned out the bird cage honey! Then I took the kids to McDonalds for dinner....I went to Burger King and had Whopper Wednesday :) Now I am going to start working again and do some more people's blog designs....BLAH! I am just tired and want to sleep and just sit and hang out with the kids tomorrow and not have to worry about anything else. At least I got more done today than I wanted to.

Here is the invite I designed for Mckay:

I ordered all his decorations and things so they should be here in time. He is so excited!

While you are gone the kids like to sleep in our bed with me....of course I always take Ky back into her room to sleep cause she snores so DANG loud and Pip so I don't squash her. But, I came to check my email and this is what I came back to....

Don't you love that Pip is almost on top of Ky. haha.

Look how dirty her face is. They didn't brush their teeth, take a bath, wash up....NOTHING.

Funny huh? They were pooped I guess. Look how sweet they are when they are asleep. I transplanted them all into their beds tonight so I could spread out. hehe. I am sorry I was so whiney today....I am trying to be tuff, but It is hard taking care of three kids alone and I MISS YOU! Hope you are having fun there. xoxox

6 Say What's:

.:Bree:. said...

I feel your pain girl! I went for 2 weeks while my hubby was in Europe last year. It was horrible. :/

You're almost done! :) The invite turned out awesome, and it's okay if the kids aren't cleaned up, they are still cute!

Hope tomorrow is better!

Kristin Bishop said...

your blog is my very favorite. I don't take time to blog like I used to...but I never miss yours. Love the pictures, the posts...and i still love your baby. She is beautiful. I need one:)

Kristin Bishop said...

p.s. I've been looking at your photography blog and it makes me want to go through pregnancy just for prego pictures. Have a newborn...just for you to photograph it...and then get skinny so you can take family photos! You are more talented than one person should be. It's sickening! ha ha. I am hiring you the second I get baby #2 here!

my name is heather... said...

good luck surviving without the man! jon has left me for 3 weeks before to work on a film project, and it's hard! but know this - arizona in august is so not fun, so at least you know craig isn't totally loving it! :0) sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy!

***so i take it you decided not to go private, yes?

my name is heather... said...

good luck surviving without the man! jon has left me for 3 weeks before to work on a film project, and it's hard! but know this - arizona in august is so not fun, so at least you know craig isn't totally loving it! :0) sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy!

***so i take it you decided not to go private, yes?

Megan said...

I love it! The invites and the sleeping kiddos. Too cute.

I don't love that you are having to do it all by yourself. I wish that I lived closer so that I could take the kids for you. We really do need to meet up and have a play date sometime. Does your life ever slow down? Let me know. And god luck till the hubby comes home!

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