Eight Years....

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today is Craig and I's anniversary! I can't believe it has been 8 years! I am not going to lie and say it has always been easy and wonderful, because we defiantly have had our hard times. BUT, Looking back, I really and honestly don't think I would change a thing about it...ever the awful hard stuff. I know that things happen for a reason and that we are suppose to learn and grow from every trial and experience in our lives....it makes us the people we are today.

I always hate it when people say, "You knew who you were when you married me, so don't try and change me." we SHOULD try and change each other. We should help one another be better people. I want Craig to change me, and he already has so much. He has helped me be a better person and changed me in wonderful ways that I couldn't have done on my own.

I am stronger, happier and more in love with him than ever before, and I think it is because of everything we have been through together. I love him SO much, he is an amazing person and I am SO blessed that I get to spend eternity with him and the next 60 years raising our children and growing old together. I know I can handle whatever life throws me as long as I have him. I know I know, I am getting super cheesy here and I'm sorry....but I get to once a year right? I'm not the best at putting into words how I feel and there is so much I could say, so here it is in simple terms..... LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE and HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY!!!


4 Say What's:

Ben and Camille said...

wow! congrats! you guys are pros!! :)

Kim said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Love ya!

10zfam said...

happy anniversary!

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